#IPAC is deeply concerned for the safety and wellbeing of athlete Peng Shuai. We reiterate our call for a full diplomatic boycott of the #Beijing2022 Olympic Games in solidarity with Peng and all oppressed by the PRC government. #NoRightsNoShow #WhereIsPengShuai
#IPAC 🇬🇧 member @Nus_Ghani MP seeks to bring Disney before UK Parliamentary committee to answer accusations of complicity in abuses against Uyghur Muslims while filming #Mulan. twitter.com/Nus_Ghani/stat…
#IPAC 🇪🇺 member @EnginEroglu_FW MEP submits an Urgency Resolution to the European Parliament on the deteriorating human rights situation in Xinjiang and widespread forced labour. If accepted, the topic will be debated at the European Parliament's plenary next week. twitter.com/EnginEroglu_FW…
#IPAC 🇪🇺 member @EnginEroglu_FW leads open letter to Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam following the forced closure of Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily. The signatories condemn the attacks on press freedoms in the city and call for the release of arrested journalists.
#IPAC 🇬🇧 member @Siobhain_Mc MP labels @HSBC "a powerful monetary prop of the draconian forces that wish to crush democracy" after the freezing Hong Kong activists' bank accounts. McDonagh called for HSBC to unfreeze @tedhuichifung's accounts in a letter to the Financial Times. twitter.com/BeijingToBrit/…
#IPAC advisor and former UK PM Chief of Staff @NJ_Timothy writes in the @Telegraph calling for a global coalition of democracies to counter the Chinese Communist Party's growing threat. telegraph.co.uk/news/2021/01/1…
As Hong Kong Cardinal Joseph Zen visits the Vatican, #IPAC 🇮🇹 members from six parties rally in support of religious minorities in China. hk.appledaily.com/opinion/202010…
#BREAKING: #IPAC leads calls for the UN to establish Commission of Inquiry into Xinjiang. The UN must investigate alleged Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity taking place in the Uyghur Region. Full text of letter below 👇
BREAKING: #IPAC statement on the passing of Hong Kong's 'patriot' electoral reform laws. IPAC condemns attempts to turn Hong Kong into a fabricated and hollowed out democracy. Democracies must take joint punitive economic actions to hold the Chinese government accountable.
LIVE: UK parliamentarians debate calls for sanctions on China for abuses against Uyghur Muslims. #IPAC member @amcarmichaelMP urges the UK to use its position on the UN Security Council to lead international efforts to make legal determinations on genocide in Xinjiang.
Britain must not be a safe haven for businesses profiting from Uyghur forced labour | #IPAC 🇬🇧 member @Nus_Ghani for PoliticsHome. politicshome.com/thehouse/artic…
"while Beijing might be able to knock us off the internet for a few hours – nothing will stop our members standing up for the Uyghurs, Hongkongers, and everyone else oppressed by Xi’s regime” #IPAC comment after cyber-attack leads to website outage. smh.com.au/world/europe/i…
#IPAC 🇯🇵 members Rep. @ShioriYamao, Rep. Gen Nakatani and Sen. @yamazogaikuzo lead #JPAC delegation meeting with Chief Cabinet Secretary Kato. The legislators highlighted the sentencing of Hong Kong activists and pressed for a Japanese Magnitsky human rights sanctions regime. twitter.com/Japan_pac/stat…
#IPAC 🇯🇵 co-chairs Rep. @ShioriYamao and Rep. Gen Nakatani lead 60 Diet members in a cross party statement of support for Japan to adopt a Magnitsky-style human rights sanctions regime. twitter.com/AkiraIgata/sta…
#IPAC 🇯🇵 co-chair @ShioriYamao addresses the Japanese parliament, advocating for a Japanese 'Magnitsky' human rights sanctions act and expressing solidarity with ousted Hong Kong legislators. 📽️Watch below 👇 twitter.com/Japan_pac/stat…
BREAKING: Five #IPAC 🇬🇧 members hit by Chinese government sanctions issue joint statement. "These actions are not only an attack on us as individuals, but an attempt to stifle the free and open debate that is at the heart of our parliamentary democracy."
“The weight of evidence steadily coming out of the region leaves no room for doubt as to the oppression Uighurs and other ethnic minorities are living under” #IPAC 🇦🇺 co-chair @kimbakit on reports of systemic torture and rape in Xinjiang prison camps. smh.com.au/world/asia/hor…
Chinese ambassador to the UK Liu Xiaoming fails to explain new harrowing footage of #Uyghurs in #Xinjiang. #IPAC is calling for an independent and impartial UN led investigation into alleged atrocities in the region. ipac.global/campaigns/uygh… twitter.com/BBCPolitics/st…
BREAKING: Netherlands joins #IPAC with Co-Chairs @ArneWeverling and @Martijncda
#IPAC 🇺🇸 co-chairs @SenRubioPress and @SenatorMenendez lead the reintroduction of the bi-partisan Hong Kong Safe Harbor Act. This legislation seeks to ensure Hong Kong protestors at risk of persecution are eligible for Priority 2 Refugee status. rubio.senate.gov/public/index.c…
"On Hong Kong, China is behaving like a bully. And bullies only understand words when they are followed by action." #IPAC 🇬🇧 member @LaylaMoran MP secures Urgent Question on Hong Kong in the UK Parliament, calls for sanctions on Carrie Lam and Xia Baolong.
#IPAC 🇺🇸 co-chair Sen. @marcorubio spearheads bi-partisan efforts to require the US Secretary of State to make a determination on whether the Chinese government's persecution of #Uyghurs and other groups in Xinjiang constitutes genocide. Full text: docs.house.gov/billsthisweek/…
Cross party Italian parliamentarians stand in solidarity with Hong Kong's pan democratic legislators and demand government action to hold China to account. Signed by #IPAC 🇮🇹 members @rampi @LucioMalan @bobogiac @PaoloFormentin1 @EnricoBorghi1 globalcommitteefortheruleoflaw.org/joint-declarat…
#BREAKING: 18 #IPAC co-chairs urge foreign ministers to issue statements in support of Australia against China's attempts at bullying and coercion. Those petitioned include Canada, Czechia, Denmark, the EU, France, Germany, Italy, New Zealand and the UK. smh.com.au/world/europe/i…
"How can we sign an agreement with China, when it has blatantly violated the Sino-British Joint Declaration guaranteeing the preservation of Hong Kong's rights and freedoms?" #IPAC 🇮🇹 Co-Chair @LucioMalan writes on the EU-China #CAI investment deal. formiche.net/2021/04/lucio-…