#GreatDanceCrew Do you know there's a fairy hunter in GDC? @into1_santa_ 😱😱😱😱😰😰😰😰 #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #GDCxSANTAslamdunk #SantaGreatDanceCrew #YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ encouraged the team members with his own experience of learning Chinese. Only by practicing hard can we present the best stage. Look forward to their show! #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #GDCxSANTAsalutetoMJ #SantaGreatDanceCrew #YOUKU #优酷
Here comes your big baby Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_! Please check his cuteness for you today! #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #GDCxSANTAsalutetoMJ #SantaGreatDanceCrew #YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Did you listen carefully in Leader #SANTA's @into1_sanata_ master class the day before yesterday? Remember to practice the basic moves. See Leader SANTA's serious expression? Maybe there will be a spot-check! #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #GDCxSANTAsalutetoMJ #YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Keep the basic knowledge in mind, then you can flexibly respond to the changing topics! Stunning dance may only require simple moves. Follow Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ to consolidate the basic skills of street dance and make progress! #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA
#GreatDanceCrew The theme of Michael Jackson is difficult. But Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ patiently taught team members about the basic moves of street dance. Leader #SANTA, may I join in your master workshop? #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #GDCxSANTAsalutetoMJ #SantaGreatDanceCrew
#GreatDanceCrew Enjoy flying with Leader #SANTA! Trampoline and physical strength. Happiness and exercise. Get ready! Let's do freestyle on the trampoline with Leader SANTA! #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #SantaGreatDanceCrew #DanceKingSANTA
#GreatDanceCrew Don't be surprised if I don't reply to your message, because Leader #SANTA's #into1_santa_ class has already started. If you don't catch up with the rest, how can you get the group soul? Don't look at others! Have you taken notes? #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew When you see this picture of Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_, your reaction is like____?🤓 #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #SantaGreatDanceCrew #DanceKingSANTA #YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew When watching Leader #SANTA's stills @into1_santa_, all I can hear is "wow" 🤩Leader SANTA watches the rehearsal carefully. Let's imagine the stage of the members. See you at 20:00 (UTC+8) tomorrow! #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #SantaGreatDanceCrew #DanceKingSANTA
#GreatDanceCrew What if team members can't understand how to do the dance moves? It doesn't matter. Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ used not only b-boxing but also counterexamples to teach them. His instruction made me understand immediately! #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #YOUKU #优酷
#SANTA #SANTAx1stdebutanniversary Skill and confidence are an invincible army. A shining smile makes a blooming visage. Nothing is impossible to a willing heart. Take your courage in both hands! All the world is your stage! @into1_santa_ #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Here's the vitamin for Sunday! The joy&vigor are so overwhelming that I can even feel the energy of Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_'s clean rotation! #INTO1SANTA #SANTAx1stdebutanniversary 👉EP02 Part 1: youtu.be/jkoLYOIvb_E 👉EP02 Part 2: youtu.be/I08AZUV418M
#GreatDanceCrew Have you watched Leader #SANTA's stage?🕺 Do you like it? I was screaming for it!🤩 #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #SantaGreatDanceCrew #DanceKingSANTA twitter.com/into1_santa_/s…
#GreatDanceCrew 😻Meow... I'm watching the lit show stages of Leaders #Fei #ChengXiao #TEN #SANTA @into1_santa_ !!! And you?! Whose show is your favorite? #WayV #WayVTEN #GDCxTEN_SpecialStage #TEN_AestheticStage #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #SantaGreatDanceCrew #DanceKingSANTA
#GreatDanceCrew Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_'s show sets the stage on fire!🔥🔥🔥 Everyone is screaming for it! EP02 Part 1: youtu.be/jUEaiNIQlNM EP02 Part 2: youtu.be/I08AZUV418M #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #SantaGreatDanceCrew #DanceKingSANTA
#GreatDanceCrew Together with Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_, let's count down 5 hours till the EP02 of GDC!🕺🔥 #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #SantaGreatDanceCrew #DanceKingSANTA
#GreatDanceCrew Does Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ uses dance moves to buff the performance before playing the flicking game?🕺🕺 It looks so complicated, but let's learn it. I'm here to cheer you on! #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #SantaGreatDanceCrew #DanceKingSANTA
#GreatDanceCrew It's okay to be a little sleepy in the morning, but don't be distracted when you watch Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ slaying the stage at 20:00 (UTC+8) tonight! #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #SantaGreatDanceCrew #DanceKingSANTA
#GreatDanceCrew Piano? Drums? Is a rock music stage coming? Since #SANTA @into1_santa_ stretches out his hand, it’s not my fault to hold it. Boss, may I have a 2-hour break to dance with him? Don't keep him waiting too long. #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #SantaGreatDanceCrew
#GreatDanceCrew After watching Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_'s stills, do you hear something? 👂 What does it sound like? Leader SANTA shows up with the sound of b-boxing. When can I have this skill?🥹 #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #SantaGreatDanceCrew #DanceKingSANTA
#GreatDanceCrew Here are some well-known tips about President #AlecSu and Leaders #Fei #ChengXiao #TEN #SANTA @into1_santa_! Come on, pose and grasp the most comprehensive information! #INTO1 #SantaGreatDanceCrew About #INTO1SANTA:
【ENG&THAI SUB】#GreatDanceCrew It's time for Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_'s house class! He dismantles the details of dance movements and personally demonstrates them to guide #Wusszi. Who wants to take his class too? #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #SantaGreatDanceCrew #DanceKingSANTA
It's a good time to go on an outing and review #GreatDanceCrew with Leader #SANTA @into1_santa_ on these beautiful days! #INTO1 #INTO1SANTA #SantaGreatDanceCrew #DanceKingSANTA EP01 Part 1: youtu.be/Wx1VyZe3-Ic EP01 Part 2: youtu.be/EPMLe6ci9j0 #YOUKU #优酷