ENだんごふえたねぇ #Luxiem #OBSYDIA #LazuLight #Noctyx #Ethyria #ILUNA
【🎊#ILUNA Half Anniversary🎊 Merch announcement】 Merchandise for "ILUNA Half Anniversary" will soon be available starting Jan 24, 18:00 PST!! Check out the details below!!👀 🔻Details: anycolor.co.jp/en/news/cyqp93… 🔻Store: nijisanji-store.com/collections/il… #NIJISANJI_EN
Hello sister #AiaAmARTe #ILUNA
ILUNA debut single MV “Let's Get It Started” is premiering now! 🔻MV Premiere youtu.be/gGwVwmwHqcc #ILUNA #NIJISANJI_EN #NIJISANJI
『にじさんじCAFE 第6弾』詳細発表①! 各ライバーをイメージしたコラボメニュー🍴 描き下ろしイラストを使用した特典付き🌈 詳細は↓ sweets-paradise.jp/collaboration/… ご予約はスイパラアプリから↓ sweets-paradise.jp/app/ #NIJISANJI_EN #ILUNA #にじさんじ
HAPPY HALF ANNIVERSARY ❤️💜❤️‍🩹💙🤍💚 Thank you #ILUNA💕 #ScarleArt #Arcadiart #MariArt #DrawKyo #AmareAtelier #RenZottoArt
Please excuse my rough sketch I just had to Good luck on your debut!💫💜 #Arcadiart #ILUNA
#ILUNA Half Anniversary 販売決定!】 「ILUNA」のデビュー半年記念グッズの販売が決定しました! 描き下ろしイラストのシルエットを先行公開! 1/25(水)11:00よりグッズ販売開始! #NIJISANJI_EN #にじストア
actually insane that it's already been one month since our debut in NIJISANJI. i've become such good friends w everyone in #ILUNA already and our adventure with you all has only just begun. i'm so grateful for you all. love u 🖤 the future? WORLD DOMINATION why tf not 😈
Thank you for accompanying me while I decorated these ice cream shaped cookies !! It was a lot of fun 😳💕 And a big warm welcome to my newest kouhai’s #ILUNA !!! ✨
\  #NIJISANJI_EN × ENSKY   / 🌈#ILUNA Collaboration Goods🕒 /   Feb.6 Pre-Order Start 👏  \ 🛸--Lineup--🪐 💫Omanjyu niginigi Mascot 💫Nokkari Rubber Clip 💫Big Omanjyu Cushion 🔽Click here to pre-order at the Ensky Shop enskyshop.com/products/list?… #Iluna_omanjyu 1/2
NIJISANJI ENのRen Zottoさん(@RenZott0)のデビュー配信用イラストを描かせていただきました。よろしくお願いします! Created illustrations and a bit of animation for lore video.Thank you so much! youtu.be/vgmvwsTzaaQ #ILUNA #RenZotto
#ILUNA debut single “Let's Get It Started” is now available for streaming! 🔻Download & streaming: linkco.re/0npQhRY7 *Available on "Oricon Music Store" & "Dwango JP" on July 26th 🔻Debut song MV premiere: youtu.be/gGwVwmwHqcc #NIJISANJI_EN #NIJISANJI
#NIJISANJI_EN new goods & voice announcement!】 #ILUNA "First Step Goods" & "Debut Celebration Voice" available from July 24th onwards after the special debut program! 🔻Details: anycolor.co.jp/en/news/p9fdz5… 🕙On sale from: July 24, 21:00 PDT | July 25, 13:00 JST #NIJISANJI_EN
#ILUNA Half Anniversary 詳細公開!】 明日1/25(水)11:00より販売開始の「ILUNA」のデビュー半年記念を記念した「ILUNA Half Anniversary」グッズの詳細を公開致します! 詳細はこちら▼ prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p… 商品ページはこちら▼ shop.nijisanji.jp/s/niji/item/li… #NIJISANJI_EN #にじストア
Finally getting to meet all of #ILUNA in our very first offline meetup! Met up with Kyo first! Gave him a nice handshake!