The easiest way to get a chance to participate in our #IDO on #LZPad is to join the LZ Heroes program. See more: docs.lz.finance/lz-heroes-prog… #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
This will be the most anticipated #NFTGame in the near future. @HeroFiio is a mobile #P2E aRPG game where you can build a powerful army to fight in fierce battles. #LaunchZone #IDO #LZ #LZP
Important notification! #IDO Round 1 will be renamed from "Lucky Tickets" to "Diamond Hand Round" Each 100 #LZ( #BSCX) locked is equal to 1 ticket. Everyone who locks #LZ( #BSCX) on #LZPad will be able to claim an allocation proportionally to their share of locked tickets. #LZ twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
How many #LZ did you have? #IDO is coming to #LZPad, you will definitely have the right to join our #IDO if you have a ticket to attend "Diamond bracelet". 100$ LZ = 1 ticket #IDO is coming soon. #HODL #BUIDL #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP twitter.com/Boniface1905/s…
How many #LZ did you have? #IDO is coming to #LZPad, you will definitely have the right to join our #IDO if you have a ticket to attend "Diamond bracelet". 100$ LZ = 1 ticket #IDO is coming soon. #HODL #BUIDL #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP twitter.com/Boniface1905/s…
How many #LZ did you have? #IDO is coming to #LZPad, you will definitely have the right to join our #IDO if you have a ticket to attend "Diamond bracelet". 100$ LZ = 1 ticket #IDO is coming soon. #HODL #BUIDL #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP twitter.com/Boniface1905/s…
目前有3个参加 LaunchZone Pad 上的IDO的办法: 第一:参加 #DiamondHand 计划 第二:加入 LaunchZone、Mayor、BSCArmy 俱乐部 第三:参加 #LZHeroes 计划 你可以选择一个或者全部三个以增加自己的机会!!! 欢迎你成为LaunchZone 社区的成员。🎉 #LaunchZone#LZZ #IDO
@HeroFiio's #IDO will be available on #LZPad on September 6th. You can join our LZ Heroes program for a chance to join our IDO. See more: docs.lz.finance/lz-heroes-prog… #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
On #LaunchZone's #LZPad: Lock #LZ to be sure to join our #IDOs. 100 #LZ = 1 ticket This is the "Diamond Hand Round" round. How to lock #LZ is coming soon. #LaunchZone #IDO #GoToTheMoon
介绍 @HeroFiio 世界: 诸神之间的战争爆发了,他们都正在为皇冠而战。 成为神之一,击败对手并招募其他英雄真正成为一个高于一切。 在9月份,#HeroFi 一定会是很火的名字。 #LaunchZone #IDO #HeroFi twitter.com/Finn_BTC/statu…
#HeroFi 在 Telegram 上有 3 个社区组: 🌐 t.me/herofiofficial 🇻🇳 t.me/herofiiovn 🇨🇳 t.me/HeroFichina 👉加入小组以获取有关 #IDO 的最新信息。 大家还想加入哪国社区组? 在评论提出你的建议!!!🥳 #LaunchZonef="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZone $LZ #HeroFi twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
大家准备好了吗!🎉🎉🎉 #HeroFi #IDO 白名单注册将于 8 月 28 日晚上9点(GMT+8) 开放。 注册白名单以不错过参与IDO 的机会!!!🥳 #LaunchZonehref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ $LZ #HeroFi twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
#HeroFi 很高兴地宣布 的 #IDO 📅时间:UTC 时间 9 月 6 日下午 1 点 📌发射台:@launchzoneann#LZPad 💰分配:1 亿美元 🪙 IDO 价格:1 $HEROEGG = $0.005 #BSC#P2E#Whitelist twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
#Herofi's IDO will take place on #LZPad at 1:00pm UTC on September 6th. Are you ready? HeroFi #IDO whitelist will open @1PM UTC, August 28. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
#HeroFi #IDO 的细节: 🕘 启动时间:9 月 6 号晚上 9 点(GMT+8) 🚀 发射台:@launchzoneann #LZPadpad.lz.finance) 💰 分配:1个亿 $HEROEGG 🪙 IDO 价格:1 $HEROEGG = $0.005 #LaunchZone #HeroFihref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ $LZ twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
Hot News. We have now open lock #LZ mode. Please visit: pad.lz.finance 100 #LZ = 1 "Diamond hand" ticket With the "Diamond hand" tickets you are sure to participate in @HeroFiio's #IDO on #LZPad on September 6th. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
Congratulations @launchzoneann and @CoinhuntCC for the partnership. @HeroFiio will be the brightest on September 6th. #IDO on #LZPad. #Whitelist is now open. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP twitter.com/CoinhuntCC/sta…
I'm extremely excited about this article of yours. Not only do I want to survive the pandemic, but I want to quit my current job immediately. Yes, I will try to get myself a 6-star champion. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP #Whitelist #IDO #HeroFi twitter.com/Finn_BTC/statu…
在12 个小时内,@HeroFiio #IDO 白名单已达到3千多用户注册。 👉注册白名单,参与推荐比赛,有机会收到非常吸引的奖励: 第1名:10位二星英雄 第2名:6位二星英雄 第3名:4位二星英雄 第4-10名:2位二星英雄 第11-20名:1位二星英雄 注册链接: whitelist.herofi.io/?ref_by=6Mm_96… #LaunchZone#LZZ #HeroFi twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
在短短 12 小时内接近 170 万 #LZ 被锁住 你能感受到它的热度吗?@HeroFiio #IDO? 您锁定的越多,您的分配就越大。 #LZPad是 DeFi 未来 的孵化器。 毫无疑问🔆 #LaunchZone #NFT#LZZ#LZPP twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
#OnePageSummary #HeroFi @HeroFiio完全免费玩,真正玩游戏赚钱。 消除了普通游戏和 NFT 游戏之间的差距。 📅#HeroFi #IDO 将在#LaunchzonePad UTC 时间 9 月 6 日下午 1 点。 了解更多关于 #HeroFi 在👉herofi.io #关注我推特您会收到最新的消息 twitter.com/bscarmyofficia…
@CoinhuntCC becomes a partner of @HeroFiio, making an important contribution to the future development of the project. Potential and outstanding partners will make #HeroFi stronger than ever. Follow us for important information before #IDO. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
✨✨✨重要信息: 对于 #HeroFi #IDO,投资者将使用 #LZ 来购买 IDO。 @launchzoneann Pad 上的 IDO 合约地址将被列入白名单,因此你的交易不会产生 #LZ 交易费。 👉加入 @HeroFiio 白名单以获得购买 #IDO 的机会:whitelist.herofi.io/?ref_by=6Mm_96… #LaunchZone#LZZ #HeroFi twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
✨✨✨重要信息: 对于 #HeroFi #IDO,投资者将使用 #LZ 来购买 IDO。 @launchzoneann Pad 上的 IDO 合约地址将被列入白名单,因此你的交易不会产生 #LZ 交易费。 👉加入 @HeroFiio 白名单以获得购买 #IDO 的机会:whitelist.herofi.io/?ref_by=6Mm_96… #LaunchZone#LZZ #HeroFi twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
@HeroFiio在@memehunterio 上进行投票! 👉👉在这里投票:memehunter.io/token/1bee35d8… @HeroFiio白名单目前是开放的,他们将拥有他们的 IDO @launchzoneann 9 月 6 日! ! #BSCGems #IDO #P2E twitter.com/MH_Ventures/st…