WHITELIST | @MeDIAeYeNFT | 5 DAYS Take part in the Whitelist for the largest #NFT Marketplace on the market this year. ✅ FOR A LIMITED TIME ONLY @MeDIAeYeNFT is inviting members of the public to secure allocations at - SEED ROUND ⏰ COUNTDOWN TO #IDO mediaeyenft.com/pitchdeck/whit…
♥️Did you know when you lock 2000 #LZ you will be participating in: 👉Round 1 IDO "Diamond Hand" - You will definitely have a chance to buy #IDO. 👉Join the private pool buying group - Launchzone Platinum. #LaunchZonea href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZL#LZPZP twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
驚人的統計數據@HeroFiio #IDO 的4天后 总共有: 💰 14.7k $HEROEGG 持有者 ⭐ 1000位創世英雄出世 🦸‍♂️ Twitter 上有 63,000 名關注者 📨Telegram 社區的 68k 多成員 #metaverse#p2e#playtoearn#gamefi twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
@HeroFiio #IDO 启动 4 天后的一些让人惊讶的数据: 💰 $HEROEGG 持有者快达到1.5万人 ⭐1000位 #GenesisHero 诞生 ❤️ Twitter上的追谁者超过6.3万人 📨 所有 Telegram 社区的成员超过6.8万人。 🎉🎉🎉 #LaunchZone #HeroFi #P2E twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
Lock #LZ( 6 months) profit or loss? I bought 1k #LZ = 4k$ I had the right to buy #Heroegg for $175 I was lucky to sell them for $0.06 So my total profit is: $1750 - $175 = $1575 In 6 months of locking #LZ, I think I can participate in 10 batches of #IDO. Profit or loss? No Fud.
LZ Ventures 参与了@Antex_Official 的私募,并选择与专用#LaunchZonians通过#LZPlatinum 會員。 这就是为什么他们的白金池不同于其他 #IDO 私募池在 #LZPad. twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
Congrats @HeroFiio on the wildly successful #IDO hosted by @launchzoneann 🎉 💰 IDO sold out in minutes! 📝 15k+ #HEROEGG holders 📈 #HEROEGG listed on #ApeSwap #HomeOfGameFi
📢 查看关于@HeroFiio #IDO 每一轮区块的信息。 今晚(GMT+8): 👉第一轮 开始时间:9点 ~ 区块 10679268 结束时间:9点半 ~ 区块 10679868 👉第二轮 开始时间:9点半 ~ 区块 10679868 结束时间:10点 ~ 区块 10680468 👉第三轮 开始时间:10点半 ~ 区块 10681068 结束时间:11点 ~ 区块 10681668 twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
检查之后,@HeroFiio #IDO 白名单轮次共有 31,667 个合格的钱包地址。 📌 在此处查看你的钱包地址: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d… 恭喜名单里的所有用户!🥳 #LaunchZone #HeroFi twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
对于 #DiamondHand 轮(第一轮): 为 @HeroFiio #IDO 锁定的最终 #LZ#BSCX 金额为 2,038,499 📢 第一轮开始时间:9月6号晚上9点。 每个锁定的#BSCXX 或者#LZZ 可以购买IDO的额度:$0.17 地点:pad.lz.finance #LaunchZone 已公布 LZ/BUSD货币对的官方汇率:6.25 #LaunchZone #HeroFi twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
更新时间表 @HeroFiio IDO 明天 9月6号的@HeroFiio 行程表 大家以清楚了吗? 请参考下面的图片 一起带 @HeroFiio 到月亮 在 #LZ 我們相信 #LaunchZone #HeroFi #IDO
@HeroFiio's #Whitelist subscription is closed. Thank you to 35,231 users who signed up for #Whitelist. We will remove invalid registrations and will announce the results as soon as possible. #IDO on #LZPad on September 6th. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
If you're in the top 400 of #LZHeroes - Congratulations, all your efforts have been recognized. If you're not in the top 400 of #LZHeroes - Don't be sad because we are the launchpad for #IDO, keep going because our next #IDO will be more and more. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP 👇👇👇👇👇
If you're in the top 400 of #LZHeroes - Congratulations, all your efforts have been recognized. If you're not in the top 400 of #LZHeroes - Don't be sad because we are the launchpad for #IDO, keep going because our next #IDO will be more and more. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP 👇👇👇👇👇
#HeroFi moon sheet. With always at the top of social signals across all channels, I humbly say that X50 compared to the asking price is an easily achievable number. It will most likely be much higher - X100. #LaunchZone #whitelist #IDO #Gotothemoon 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
👉Only 1 day left until @HeroFiio's #IDO. ⭕️Round: 1 will close at 3:00 PM on September 5. ⭕️Roun 2: closing time we will announce soon (expected on September 5th) ⭕️Round 3: will close at 1:00 PM on September 5. ⭕️Round 4: has announced the 400 positions with the highest scores.
We've got a list of #LZHeroes for #HeroFi's #IDO. Congratulations to the 400 people who got the highest score - you are sure to be in the 4th round of IDO. Thank you to all the Heroes of #LaunchZone. Link to check the LZ Heroes point 👇 docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d…
#HeroFi #IDO 第四轮名单: #LZHeroes 计划的积分最高的前 400 名已有结果。 赶快检查你的钱包地址: docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d… #LaunchZone #LZHeroes #HeroFi twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
#HeroFiio 已到达 51k+ 成员在全球社区 如果您有任何关于 #whitelist,#IDO ,或有关该项目的任何信息,请咨询链接t.me/herofiofficial
#HeroFi 的推特已超过4.9万追谁者。 #HeroFi 全球社区已超过5.2万成员。 白名单仍然开放至9月5号晚上9点(GMT+8)。 如果你对 #Whitelist#IDO 或有关该项目有任何疑问,请通过 t.me/herofiofficial 询问 。 项目的人一直支持大家!🤝🤝🤝 #LaunchZoneWhitelist #HeroFi twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
👉This will be a great opportunity for#LZZ investors. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 🚀Too much upside potential. 🚀Lock $ LZ to be sure the #IDO round 1. #LaunchZonehref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ #LZPref="/hashtag/whitelist/retweet/1">#whitelist $LZ $LZP #HeroFi
Only 2 more days until @HeroFiio's #IDO on #LZPad. Have you got yourself a chance to participate in our 4 rounds of #IDO buying? 1⃣Diamond Hand Lock #LZ - live 2⃣Join Launchozone member clubs - live 3⃣ #Whitelist - live 4⃣ #LZheroes - closed. #LaunchZone 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Only 2 more days until @HeroFiio's #IDO on #LZPad. Have you got yourself a chance to participate in our 4 rounds of #IDO buying? 1⃣Diamond Hand Lock #LZ - live 2⃣Join Launchozone member clubs - live 3⃣ #Whitelist - live 4⃣ #LZheroes - closed. #LaunchZone 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
#HeroFi #IDO 着火了🔥 已有 28,500 人注册了白名单。 您现在可以锁定$LZ在 LZPad 上参加石手轮。 ⏰只还剩2天。 购买并锁定$LZ现在: 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 pad.lz.finance
仅剩 2 ,@HeroFiio #IDO 就启动。 已有 28,500 人注册了白名单。 除了注册白名单以参与第三轮,你可以在 LZPad 上锁定 #LZ 以参与 Diamond Hand 轮(第一轮)。 购买地址:swap.lz.finance 锁定地址:pad.lz.finance #LaunchZone #LZ #HeroFi twitter.com/launchzoneann/…