#StepHero's #IDO at Roi x92. The next our #IDO is coming soon. You can join LaunchZone Membership Clubs for a chance at our next #IDO. How to join: docs.lz.finance/lz-membership-… #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
Hot News. We have now open lock #LZ mode. Please visit: pad.lz.finance 100 #LZ = 1 "Diamond hand" ticket With the "Diamond hand" tickets you are sure to participate in @HeroFiio's #IDO on #LZPad on September 6th. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
Prepare yourself with the necessary things to have strong warriors conquer #NFTGame #HeroFi. #IDO on #LZPad September 6th. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP
Only 2 more days until @HeroFiio's #IDO on #LZPad. Have you got yourself a chance to participate in our 4 rounds of #IDO buying? 1⃣Diamond Hand Lock #LZ - live 2⃣Join Launchozone member clubs - live 3⃣ #Whitelist - live 4⃣ #LZheroes - closed. #LaunchZone 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Only 2 more days until @HeroFiio's #IDO on #LZPad. Have you got yourself a chance to participate in our 4 rounds of #IDO buying? 1⃣Diamond Hand Lock #LZ - live 2⃣Join Launchozone member clubs - live 3⃣ #Whitelist - live 4⃣ #LZheroes - closed. #LaunchZone 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
Congratulations @HeroFiio - even though #IDO is 3 days away, you're already No.3 in terms of social signals. Play to Free & Play to Earn #LaunchZone #NFTGame $LZ #LZ?🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 twitter.com/gtaventures_or…
I'm extremely excited about this article of yours. Not only do I want to survive the pandemic, but I want to quit my current job immediately. Yes, I will try to get myself a 6-star champion. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP #Whitelist #IDO #HeroFi twitter.com/Finn_BTC/statu…
#Heron 白名单的注册量快达到2千人。 📢 前 20名推荐人将免费获得一次奇妙的人间天堂之旅。🏞️ 👉立即注册并沉浸在 @Heronasia 是先驱的 #EcoFi 社区中,为即将到来的 #LZPad 上的 #HERON #IDO 做好准备 。🎉 👉注册链接:heron.lz.finance/?ref_by=ZJfv0p… #LaunchZoneWhitelist #Heron twitter.com/Heronasia/stat…
Congratulations @launchzoneann and @CoinhuntCC for the partnership. @HeroFiio will be the brightest on September 6th. #IDO on #LZPad. #Whitelist is now open. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP twitter.com/CoinhuntCC/sta…
I can't wait until September 6th. Play to Free and Play to Earn - #HeroFi. #IDO on #LZPad - a launching pad for quality projects. #LaunchZone #whitelist #LZ #LZP 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀
A Project of Another Dimension The 100x Coins Pre-Sale is about to begin! We will be listing on PancakeSwap on September 17! The name of the coin is "MARU". pinksale.finance/launchpads?cha… #MARU #IDO
🎉Congratulations @moniwar_game ?#MOWAWA has been listed on @coinecko. ✨Be quiet because we're about to fly. 👉Together go to the moon. #LaunchZone #Moniwar #Whitelist href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ$LZ #IDO 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀 twitter.com/moniwar_game/s…
👉This will be a great opportunity for#LZZ investors. 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇 🚀Too much upside potential. 🚀Lock $ LZ to be sure the #IDO round 1. #LaunchZonehref="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZ #LZPref="/hashtag/whitelist/retweet/1">#whitelist $LZ $LZP #HeroFi
介绍 @HeroFiio 世界: 诸神之间的战争爆发了,他们都正在为皇冠而战。 成为神之一,击败对手并招募其他英雄真正成为一个高于一切。 在9月份,#HeroFi 一定会是很火的名字。 #LaunchZone #IDO #HeroFi twitter.com/Finn_BTC/statu…
#LaunchZone's #LZPad is being talked about a lot lately, and surely in the near future, there will be many projects that want to be present on #LZPad - Launch for quality projects. Closing @StepHeroNFTs's #IDO at 92x is the perfect answer for the community. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP twitter.com/bscarmyofficia…
#IDO @StepHeroNFTs! #HERO Price #IDO: $0.10. Huge social signal. Beautiful game graphics. Captivating storyline. What will the ATH be in 15 days? Please comment on your prediction here. #NFTgaming #LZPad #LZ #LZP
#IDO @StepHeroNFTs! #HERO Price #IDO: $0.10. Huge social signal. Beautiful game graphics. Captivating storyline. What will the ATH be in 15 days? Please comment on your prediction here. #NFTgaming #LZPad #LZ #LZP
你准备好了吗? 今晚与 @launchzoneann@BombCryptoGame 一起踏上月亮。 与 #IDO 的价格相比,你认为 #BCOIN 价格会涨多少倍? #LaunchZone #Bombcrypto
@StepHeroNFTs's #IDO Timeline. The milestones are very important you need to know for sure so as not to miss this great opportunity. #LaunchZone #HERO #LZ #LZP #gotothemoon #NFTGames
关于 #Heron 的一些热门新闻。 为了在 10 月 30 日为投资者提供有史以来最好的 #EcoFi IDO,@Heronasia 项目选择 #HERON 作为他们的代币名称,旨在巩固项目的潜力。🎉 #Heron #IDO 的白名单注册期也延长至10月29号下午 1 点。 👉 立即加入白名单: heron.lz.finance/?ref_by=ZJfv0p… #LaunchZoneWhitelist twitter.com/Heronasia/stat…
#Herofi's IDO will take place on #LZPad at 1:00pm UTC on September 6th. Are you ready? HeroFi #IDO whitelist will open @1PM UTC, August 28. #LaunchZone #LZ #LZP twitter.com/HeroFiio/statu…
Founder’s Podcast 🇯🇵 about #XANA's IDO 本日IDO最終日、全世界2万人の参加者による総資産額は1000億円を突破しています。 またひとつ、 #DAO の皆さんと一緒に歴史を創ることができています。 #IDO は資金調達ではなく同志集め 一歩づつ、頂上まで登りましょう。 voicy.jp/channel/2968/3…
♥️Did you know when you lock 2000 #LZ you will be participating in: 👉Round 1 IDO "Diamond Hand" - You will definitely have a chance to buy #IDO. 👉Join the private pool buying group - Launchzone Platinum. #LaunchZonea href="/hashtag/LZ/retweet/1">#LZL#LZPZP twitter.com/launchzoneann/…
Are you ready for #IDO on August 15th yet? With the intense heat from #NFTGame @StepHeroNFTs - I believe we will go to the moon together. I humbly present the X100's own target. #LaunchZone #LZPad #HERO #LZ #LZP
Additional Community Allocation!👍 With great appreciation for the continuous support, We prepared additional#XETAA allocation exclusively for #XANA Alpha Pass #NFT Holders, the best contributors to the #DAO community from the early phase🤝 #IDO #Metaverse