[多圖重溫] 6月9日反送中一百萬人大遊行兩週年 咁就兩年啦 屌 回憶都有點點模糊… 但永不敢忘! lih.kg/2566786 #HongKong #光復香港時代革命
【國安法實施後兩名港大職員被學生舉報 港大校方高層表示恐慌和絕望 I HKU faculty members reported to the NSL tip line and an atmosphere of despair in the academia】 港版文革不是說笑 lih.kg/2564913 #HongKong
Meanwhile in #HongKong pockets of resistance still evident, despite huge police presence police flooding #VictoriaPark 🕯 #TiananmenSquareMassacre
6 former UK foreign secretaries, including: 👉Sir Malcolm Rifkind 👉Jack Straw 👉Dame Margaret Beckett MP 👉David Miliband 👉Lord David Owen 👉Lord William Hague urge @BorisJohnson to ensure that the human rights crisis in #HongKong is on the agenda at next week's #G7Summit. twitter.com/fbermingham/st…
#HongKongPolice are planning to deploy up to 7,000 officers on #4June around #HongKong - sources told #RTHK. They said around 3,000 of them would be guarding Victoria Park, the site of the banned candle light vigil to commemorate #TiananmenSquareMassacre in 1989
撐警藍絲狗混水摸魚藉bno 去英國 各位英國手足快啲黎舉報呢條賤種藍絲啦 多啲人舉報係咪易啲成功架! lih.kg/2555495 #HongKong
黑警啪左野? 成個傻仔小學雞咁 差啲唔記得佢地毅進仔 差不多啦🤫😂 #HongKong
So that’s what they’re calling #HongKong these days?
I can’t quite believe I’m writing this, but #HongKong children are being given this survey. H/T @Balnagown
傳有忠誠勇毅申請BNO Visa失敗! 😎 「網友又俾多咗深入啲既料俾我. 原來嗰位忠誠勇毅唔係諗住放棄祖國, 而係諗住食兩家茶禮, 一方面攞BNO VISA 等全家都可以黎英國享受自由空氣人權保障, 但自己就會做太空人繼續在港出糧效忠港共」 lih.kg/2536131 #HongKong
過境寄艙行李藏電槍 內地漢被警方口頭警告後放行 // 香港人身上有索帶有遮都要坐監 強国人有電槍都可以警告放走 仲衰過二等公民😅 唔走真係成個民族比人逼害至死 到時後悔都無用 lih.kg/2534988 #HongKong
1952 #國安法 #黎智英 保安局引用國安法實施細則凍結黎智英持有的壹傳媒股份,及其擁有的三間於本地銀行帳戶內的財產 黎料了無限加速 以後想封邊個就封邊個 #HongKong
On top of this I keep hearing a rumour that prison capacity in #HongKong is being expanded by over 10,000, including offshore capacity. Can someone help verify? twitter.com/rthk_enews/sta…
After what #Beijing has done to #Xinjiang, #Tibet & #HongKong, no sane person would believe it could take care of #Taiwan's health needs or otherwise. Think about #COVID19 & African swine fever. Thank God we aren’t under #China's control! Please help us keep it at a distance. JW twitter.com/MOFA_Taiwan/st…
I’d late to this @tortoise piece by @sarahsands100 on some of the complexities of the #HongKong BNO scheme. Worth a read. tortoisemedia.com/2021/05/04/her…
林鄭個寶貝仔林約希攞到美國哈佛大學數學博士學位,準備做博士後研究員 林鄭話香港人走左係逃犯,暗示留香港係做共產黨既監犯慢慢受逼害,即時比人爆原來講就好聽,叫自己個仔走得勁快,係外國至少可獲6.5萬美元一年做研究,「逃犯」?😇 people.math.harvard.edu/~ylam/ lih.kg/2519644 #HongKong
BREAKING: #HongKong’s District Court has sentenced @joshuawongcf to 10 months in prison over participating in the June 4 candlelight vigil last year. Lester Shum was given 6-months. Tiffany Yuen & Jannelle Leung were given 4-months.
#BREAKING #HongKong activist Joshua Wong has been jailed for 10 months for participating in the banned June 4 candle light vigil to commemorate the 1989 #TiananmenSquareMassacre last year, consecutive to 4 months he is currently serving for another protest-related case
This morning in #HongKong, Joshua Wong & 3 fellow activists will be sentenced for taking part in the unauthorised - yet largely peaceful - assembly to commemorate the June Fourth #TiananmenSquareMassacre last year It’s the first such prosecution since the 1989 #Beijing bloodshed
Yesterday, HKW Associate @jooeysiiu & HKW's Senior Policy Advisor @SamGoodman22 gave evidence to the Canadian Parliament's Subcommittee on International Human Rights on the #humanrights crisis in #HongKong #SDIR. You can read their written evidence here. hongkongwatch.org/all-posts/2021…
Honored to be featured at @GenevaSummit. The voice of Hong Kong will be heard. #HongKong #Democracy twitter.com/GenevaSummit/s…
On #WorldPressFreedomDay, we commemorate brave journalists who work at the frontiers of conflicts and suffer from political suppressions due to their investigations and reporting. From #HongKong, #Myanmar, #Thailand, to #Belarus... they are there to safegarud truths. Thank you!
痴撚線 依條片無啦啦多咗幾多人睇 // 嘩早幾日我見人講去睇過印象都係幾萬人睇過 而家呢段反送中片推上左youtube熱門? 好多外國人睇到 幾日變左已經有二百萬人睇過 之後唔知幾多 大家可以睇下或入去留下言推下 👇🏻 youtu.be/RErdSr0iAcs 🔥 lih.kg/2512738 #HongKong #HongKongProtests
‼️Reportedly: the new immigration law allowing sweeping powers to officials to prevent people leaving #HongKong will have 2nd reading soon and be law on August 1st. thestandnews.com/politics/4-28-…
Dear #HongKong, we try to offer support, solidarity and hope in your struggle in these increasingly dark times. New op-ed by our CEO @benedictrogers in @appledaily_hk bit.ly/3neRQEn #prodemocracy #FreePoliticalPrisoners #LionRockSpirit #HongKongiNotDead