[#SBS #GayoDaejeon Event Vote Results📢] 5. Who do you want to spend 2020’s last #Holidays with? 1st Place : #IZONE Congratulations to IZ*ONE.🎉 And thank you to everyone who participated in the vote.👏 #SBSKpopAwards #SBSMusicAwards #STARPASS #Kpop
Make this Holiday merrier with BT21! 💗 Can you recall these tree ornaments from BT21 ORIGINAL STORY EP.04? Well, how about making them in real life? 🎬 lin.ee/X8KyHGg/hntj #BT21 #DIY #Garland #Happy #Holidays #BT21_ORIGINAL_STORY
セサミストリートからみなさんへ、 ハッピーホリデー! 楽しい、マジカルな1日を過ごしてね! ✨ #HappyHolidays #Holidays #セサミストリート #クッキーモンスター #エルモ #アビー #クリスマス
Only 1 day left till #NORAD Tracks #Santa at noradsanta.org! Design your Christmas Tree in today's last #NORAD Tracks #Santa Countdown Calendar Game #23, at bit.ly/NTSGames #NoradSanta #NoradTracksSanta #Games #CountdownCalendar #Fun #Christmas #Holidays
#NORAD tracks #Santa uses the same technology (#jets, #radars, & #satellites) that #defends the skies over North America 24 hours a day, 365 days a year! #WeHaveTheWatch #HomelandDefense #Defenders #NoradSanta #NoradTracksSanta #Fun #Christmas #Holidays
なぜTATAがクリスマスツリーに変身してしまったのか❗️ #happy #BT21 #Holidays