Happy birthday to @BTS_twt's Taehyung, wishing you all the happiness and more in life! 🎂 #HAPPYVDAY #HealingComposerV #OurInnerHappinessV #WinterPrinceTaehyung
Happy Birthday, Taehyung! Thank you for existing and for making music that brings us warmth on our coldest days and light during our darkest hours. 💜❄️🌸 #HAPPYVDAY #SnowFlowerTaehyung #HealingComposerV #OurSweetTaehyung @BTS_twt
BeloVed Kim Taehyung, your existence is a treasured blessing to everyone who is humbly grateful to know & love you! 💜 #HappyBirthdayTaehyung #BornHistoryMakerV #SupremeVocalistV #HealingComposerV #ProducerKingTaehyung #HappyVirthdayBestie #PurpleBalloonsForV #HAPPYVDAY @BTS_twt