Thanks for coming to the stream! It was such a blast and we also had fun with everyone!! Special thanks to the organizers too for organizing such a fun event✨ #HarimauWIN STILL IN MY HEART ご視聴ありがとうございました!めっちゃ楽しかった〜!!🥳🥳🥳 #holoIDCup2022
YAGOOさん気軽に景品にされがちw お疲れさまです皆さん〜!!YAGOO's prize is the most popular and useful in hololive. Thank you for holding such a great event!🎉 #holoIDCup2022 #HarimauWIN #BigGarudaSpirit
リーダー同士の早食い対決! Kaelaさん、なんとまさかのジャンプが苦手でチームからも笑いが起こるほっこり対決となりましたw #holoIDCup2022 #HarimauWIN #BigGarudaSpirit
この大会PVすごくかっこいいのに、大体PONシーンですよねw I love this highlight video but they do PON at every scene. lol #holoIDCup2022 #HarimauWIN #BigGarudaSpirit
#holoIDCup2022 Which team are you cheering for? Are you cheering for both? haha, also great!😜 チームごとのタグがあるみたいなので、そちらを使っていただいてもOKです!感想ツイートもぜひお願いします👍 #HarimauWIN 🔨🎨🍂☔️♌️🔎🐏💎 #BigGarudaSpirit 🐿️🦚📜🌲⏳🌸🐙🥀
Harimauチームの視点はAnyaだよ🍂 13:00~いくぞおおおお🐏💨 #HarimauWIN…
#holoIDCup2022 Harimau Team's Members‼️】 Leader: Kaela Kovalskia Airani Iofifteen Anya Melfissa IRyS Kobo Kanaeru Shishiro Botan 獅白ぼたん Tsunomaki Watame 角巻わため Watson Amelia #HarimauWIN💪💪
Will be streaming Harimau team’s POV next tuesday! #HarimauWIN Moona-senpai, Ollie, and the others worked very hard to prepare for this event!❤️ Please look forward to it😊 当日うちのチームのカメラマン役を担当させていただいてるアーニャです。日本時間は13時から! #holoIDCup2022…