@weareoneEXO Happy birthday to our beloved Kai 🎂💛 Watching you realize your dreams brings us joy each day, may you be surrounded by love this year as well 💛 #종인아생일축하해 #너의모든날들을사랑해_종인아 #HappyKaiDay #AllRounderKAIDay
Happy birthday Kim kai!!!!!! 🥳🥳 you make me feel so mmmh mmmh 😍😍😍 #HappyKaiDay #AllRounderKaiDay #종인아생일축하해
[UPDATE] 220114 EXO-L Japan update with Kai “EXO-L JAPAN! It’s Kai! Today, I’ve had my birthday~~ Everyone, thank you for your wishes ♡…” Full translation ⬇️ #종인아생일축하해 #너의모든날들을사랑해_종인아 #HappyKaiDay #AllRounderKAIDay
[UPDATE] 220114 EXO-L community update 🐻: ...Because it’s you [who is wishing me a happy birthday] I feel like I have the whole world. Moreso than any present or words in the world To me, you are the [best] present ♡. Full Q&A translation ⬇️ #종인아생일축하해 #HappyKaiDay
[INFO] 220114 📊 | Bugs Chart 1:00PM KST #1 Peaches #2 음 (Mmmh) #3 Vanilla #4 Domino #5 Come In #15 Blue #16 To Be Honest #종인아생일축하해 #너의모든날들을사랑해_종인아 #HappyKaiDay #AllRounderKAIDay