when they talked about going to chicago for neo city and doyoung kept saying he REALLY wanted to go on a drive in chicago, which ended up happening 🥺 #오늘은_쟈니생일_모두_그쟌을들어 #HappyJohnnyDay #OneandOnlyJohnnyDay twitter.com/withJohnnysuh/…
Happy birthday johnny 🥰🤍 Thank you for bringing so much joy to nct, we are so thankful for you. Thank you for always working hard and making us happy we love you so much, please always be happy and healthy! #HappyJohnnyDay #OneandOnlyJohnnyDay #오늘은_쟈니생일_모두_그쟌을들어
happy birthday to the one who takes care of doyoung really well 💙 #HappyJohnnyDay