pretending to be a cafe worker the giggling when jeongwoo gets so happy and excited about the skit 😆 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
his little laugh 😆 aha-ha-ha-ha #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
the way he's holding his son T_T #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
greeting chilli 💙'hey chilli what's up!' #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
hyunsuk's character is named chilli 😊!! 'chili is sweet but spicy. it really surprises you. so i chose chilli' #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
201115 YGSELECT 영통팬싸 おっぱどぅるのむきようぉ♡>ㅇ< #TREASURE #트레저    #HYUNSUK #현석 #JIHOON #지훈
his little laugh when doyoung was the only one who hyped up the mmm part with his 'ay!' hh #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
cutie loves the outro so much 😆 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
'hello treasure makers. today, the 14th of november, marks the 100th day since debut. i can so clearly remember our debut day, and the fact that it's already been 100 days feels new and heart pounding.' cutest ♡ #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
'i remember the first day we met. a lot has happened. thanks to teume, i had happy days. that happiness will be with us forever.' ♡ #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
【FC】日本のFCにて11月コンテンツ : スンフン編配信スタート‼️ 日本のFIXの皆さんのために新曲JUNGLEをメンバーそれぞれ少しずつお披露目致します😘 今すぐチェック▶️ #CIX #FIX #BX #SEUNGHUN #BAEJINYOUNG #YONGHEE #HYUNSUK #Jungle
the prettiest pcs!! (first pic cr. late) #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
— album spoilers favorite pictures ah!! he's so pretty in both versions ♥︎♡ #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
모든 게 완벽한 오늘이 바로 D-day 둘만의 비밀을 만들어보자 My babe him falling and calling for peach ah 😆 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 #SUPERMARIO #슈퍼마리오 @treasuremembers