【FC】日本のFCにて2021年1月コンテンツCIX編配信スタート‼️ CIXメンバーは1月1日どう過ごしたのか少し覗いてみました👀 今すぐチェック▶️cix-official.jp #CIX #FIX #BX #SEUNGHUN #BAEJINYOUNG #YONGHEE #HYUNSUK
still one of the cutest interactions when shy and cute hyunsuk first met hyunbin 🥰🥺♡ #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
최축구 ⚽️ ♡^♡ he is sooo handsome in jerseys #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
he looks so warm and comforting T_T ♡ #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
happy new year (the way he turned the treasure symbol into a heart) ♡💎 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
please show lots of love for treasure too, and have a happy new year ♡ #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
hyunsuk and chilli, and his members are the caterpillar 😆 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 #칠리 #CHILLI @treasuremembers
scared chilli in the forest vs scared hyunsuk in the forest, it's the exact same thing 😭 babies #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 #칠리 #CHILLI @treasuremembers
an article written about prod. hyunsuk and his tweet T_T! please upvote in the video, a powerful yet trendy beat flows out. this is the music used in the concept teaser video which released on the 29th... naver.me/xYQ3LWyN #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
*proud of yedam* hyunsuk: must hug 🥰 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
he's just the cutest boy ever even when doing nothing T_T 💜 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
baby's reaction to losing against yedam 😆 he's too cute and funny the phone toss #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
*imitating open the treasure box* open yourrr - treasure number! he was so excited over his cards shsh #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
baby won against gamer junkyu in boy and got so shocked 😆 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
hyunsuk hugging yedam when he made it through mmm on superstar yg and imitating it 😆 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
【FC】日本のFCにて12月コンテンツ : ヒョンソク編配信スタート‼️ 2020年年始に立てた新年計画の反省やFIXの皆さんへの愛のメッセージも💌 今すぐチェック▶️cix-official.jp #CIX #FIX #BX #SEUNGHUN #BAEJINYOUNG #YONGHEE #HYUNSUK
treasure debut concept trailer vs treasure 1st album treasure effect concept teaser T_T from the beginning all the way to the end of the first step series, he's so talented and amazing. he blows my mind every day. so proud of him ♡ #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
this little upgrade T_T so excited to see more of drummer hyunsuk #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers