jaehyuk jinxing hyunsuk 😆!!! the 'he won't be home today' editing after he rolled to the deserted island #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
baby is scared of balloons T_T #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
poor yedam getting them on the deserted island + hyunsuk hugging him, then hyunsuk getting them out by rolling a six 😆 his 'i got this' #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
the way hyunsuk stayed with jaehyuk to make sure he really wasn't actually hurt 😭 jaehyuk had to reassure him #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
1/4 had a salty cookie and the other teams had to guess who, they guessed jaehyuk but it was actually hyunsuk 😆 poor baby asking for something sweet at the end #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
junkyu mimicking hyunsuk's 'next turn' 😆 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
when jeongwoo kissed hyunsuk's neck instead of his teammate junkyu's 😆 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
this part with hyunsuk's lyrics 😭 'i'm not going anywhere, don't worry my maker' T_T we're not going anywhere either!! ♡ #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
slowmotion hyunsuk is so beautiful T_T 🌌♡ #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
the most precious father son duo T_T💜🔥 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
【FC】日本のFCにて2021年2月コンテンツ🎬BX編配信スタート‼️ 韓国の新曲Cinemaにちなんだ2月のコンテンツ👀お楽しみに❣️ 今すぐチェック▶️cix-official.jp #CIX #FIX #BX #SEUNGHUN #BAEJINYOUNG #YONGHEE #HYUNSUK #Cinema
🐷: our junghwanie who's always beside the hyungs with unasked innocence, thank you for always making us laugh and winding us up, love you #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
the brightest star, the sun ☀️ #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
even more cute hyunha moments T_T they're so precious ruto is a baby #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
the way he took off the blazer, making the simplest of things so pretty ♡ #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
🐷♡🦊 upside down mic pals #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers
he looks so pretty without the blazer 💛_💛 #HYUNSUK #CHOIHYUNSUK #최현석 @treasuremembers