[TEAM BHHB] 220719 Bus Ad Project hiyyihlights! we were informed that the ads have been installed on our bus, and it will start running from today ! the pictures of the bus are below ! #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #HUENINGBAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #バヒエ #KEP1ER #케플러 @official_kep1er
🦁𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐲𝐢𝐡 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐🦁 J-hiyyihlightsで企画をしていたバス停広告の設置が完了しました!!とても可愛い広告になっています😍 ヒエの誕生日まであと約1週間、みんなでヒエの誕生日を盛り上げていきましょう♪ #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #ヒュニンバヒエ #휴닝바히에
[KEP1ER ZIP] — fancafe 220720 💌 Kep1er 2nd Mini Album 'DOUBLAST' M/V Behind Photo 2 📸 #Kep1er #케플러 #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에
🦁𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐁𝐚𝐡𝐢𝐲𝐲𝐢𝐡 𝐃𝐚𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟐🦁 バヒエちゃんの誕生日企画第2弾としてさっぽろテレビ塔ライトアップを準備しました!黄色にライトアップされます YouTube LIVEでもご覧頂けます☺️ 📍さっぽろテレビ塔 🗓07.27 21:00~21:20 #ヒュニンバヒエ #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에
Hiyyih Birthday AD on Bus!! It was really soooo hard to find this bus.. 😭😭 but I bacame a smile man after see Hiyyih :) 버스 이 단 1대 타이밍 맞춰 찍으려고 ㅜㅜ 고생했지만!! 히에 찍었어요!!! #kep1er #케플러 #휴닝바히에 #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #happybirthdayhiyyih
Hiyyih Birthday Ads on Bus full story:) 히에 생일 광고 in 버스 풀버전입니다:) ひえさんのバス誕生日広告です:) vt.tiktok.com/ZSRLx9GUd/?k=1 #kep1er #케플러 #히에생일 #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에 #ヒュニン #バヒエ #ヒュニンバヒエ
케플리안 200일 축하해💜💛 #휴닝바히에 #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #Kep1er #케플러
[KEP1ER ZIP] — fancafe 220722 💌 Kep1er 2nd Mini Album 'DOUBLAST' 활동기 Behind Photo 1 📸 #Kep1er #케플러 #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220722 Hiyyihlights ! When was the last time you baked something ? Or or when was the last time you had something from your favorite bakery ? Tell us with the tags #BakesForHiyyih and #HIYYIHMONTH !
この広告をご用意いただいたJ-HIYYIHLIGHTSの方々に心から感謝します! Dear all of supporters for Hiyyih!! Thank you so much!! Hiyyih BD ads!! Thank you #JHIYYIHLIGHTS 히에 버스정류장 생일 광고!! vt.tiktok.com/ZSRN1SWsk/?k=1 #케플러 #hiyyih #bahiyyih #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에
🌐𝘽𝘼𝙃𝙄𝙔𝙔𝙄𝙃 𝘽𝙄𝙍𝙏𝙃𝘿𝘼𝙔 企画🦁 Instagramにてバヒエちゃんのセンイル広告を流します❣️ 期間🗓 7/26~27 (48時間) 是非見つけてくれたら嬉しいです💗 Bahiyyih ads on Instagram from 26th to 27th😍💕 Please try to find it 💗 #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #BAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에
[#HUENING_BAHIYYIH] 220723 Hiyyihlights it's time to get inspired! Show us a cool outfit put together based on Hiyyih's ootds or decorate a phone case! Or you can post a vocal/dance cover of a song she's recommended! Post them with the tags #InspiredByHiyyih and #HIYYIHMONTH !
Kep1er l <𝙁𝙇𝙔-𝙐𝙋> CONCEPT PHOTO 1 HUENING BAHIYYIH Kep1er Japan 1st Single <𝙁𝙇𝙔-𝙐𝙋> TITLE TRACK「Wing Wing」 2022.09.07 (WED) #휴닝바히에 #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #ヒュニンバヒエ #Kep1er #케플러 #ケプラー #WingWing #FLY_UP
[BAHIYYIH FB UNION] 220725 Tags for Hiyyih's birthday are here ! Please use them starting 8 PM KST on July 26 only ! DEW OF LIGHT HIYYIH #.MusicalPrincessHiyyih #.히에의날 #.만능아이돌히에데이 #.真夏の太陽ヒエちゃんの日 #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #휴닝바히에
[🎥] huening bahiyyih tiktok update “😎🎶” #휴닝바히에 #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #Kep1er #케플러 @official_kep1er
[🎥] huening bahiyyih tiktok update “히히즈😆” #휴닝바히에 #HUENING_BAHIYYIH #Kep1er #케플러 @official_kep1er