[🌟New stars*collection!🌟] On that day, #HanasakiMiyabi🌺 stared at #AragamiOga🐃's eyepatch. And #YukokuRoberu🍷 offered a suggestion... Ep. 8 of #HOLOSTARS' VTuber 3D anime "stars*collection!" is live!✨🎬 Leave thoughts using: #スタこれ 🙌 ⬇️Linky⬇️ youtu.be/QyfVPqgUU2k
[🌟New stars*collection!🌟] The secret video from "hololive SUPER EXPO 2022"'s spyhole is here‼️ What's "wholesome" mean⁉️ Find out now!🥳 Ep. 9 of #HOLOSTARS' VTuber 3D anime "stars*collection!" is live!✨🎬 Leave thoughts using: #スタこれ 🙌 ⬇️Linky⬇️ youtu.be/4k8aYLF1f8A
[🌟New stars*collection!🌟] #AstelLeda🎭 & #KanadeIzuru🎸 toy with #Arurandeisu🍕 Is pizza the key to apologies⁉️ Ep. 3 of #HOLOSTARS' VTuber 3D anime "stars*collection!" is live!✨🎬 Leave thoughts using: #スタこれ 🙌 ⬇️Linky⬇️ youtu.be/9ROwIVUWwPU
こたつ(ミニYAGOO) 【#夜十神封魔3D お披露目】妖、ついに3Dになる🦝【#夜十神封魔 #アップロー #HOLOSTARSyoutu.be/IyYMElI9t_c @YouTubeより
\さらに解禁📢/ 8/30(火)より「#HOLOSTARS × NE(X)T BREAKERS」キャンペーンの開催が決定!同時発売のCDとBDをピックアップ!タワレコ店頭で小冊子の配布やポスターの掲出、特別レシートなど実施✨ ▼詳細はこちら tower.jp/article/featur… #ネトブレ #ホロスターズ #ホロスタ1stACT #FollowUs
"Heeelp!" Even a demon like #AragamiOga🐃 has tears in his eyes?! The road to idolhood is fraught with eternal struggles! The next #HOLOSTARS' "stars*collection" airs tomorrow at 7 PM!🎬 Only on HOLOSTARS official ch.❗️ ⬇️Punchline-Heavy Previous Ep⬇️ youtu.be/QyfVPqgUU2k
どら焼きおいしそう 【#夜十神封魔3D お披露目】妖、ついに3Dになる🦝【#夜十神封魔 #アップロー #HOLOSTARSyoutu.be/IyYMElI9t_c @YouTubeより
"You were always by our side..." The spotlight is cast on our beloved refrigerator. The next #HOLOSTARS' "stars*collection" airs tomorrow at 7 PM!🎬 Only on HOLOSTARS official ch.❗️ ⬇️Wholesome Previous Ep⬇️ youtu.be/4k8aYLF1f8A
[🌟New stars*collection!🌟] #UPROAR!!'s #MinaseRio's debut! A Sutra is chanted and Rio's lower half... "He's about to transcend!" Ep. 41 of #HOLOSTARS' VTuber 3D anime "stars*collection!" is live!✨🎬 Leave thoughts using: #スタこれ 🙌 ⬇️Linky⬇️ youtu.be/1TJbboku3-s
Who makes an appearance on stars*collection?! Find out after #MinaseRio's 3D reveal stream! The next #HOLOSTARS' "stars*collection" airs tomorrow at 9:10 PM!🎬 Only on HOLOSTARS official ch.❗️ ⬇️Heterochromia Roberu Ep⬇️ youtu.be/KnQWFbf60PM
【🎤お知らせ2/3🎤】 #白銀ノエル リリカルMonster《レコおと》 #HOLOSTARS Find It《レコおと》 #バカタレ共(白上フブキ・不知火フレア・角巻わため) 進め↑BAKATARATION《レコおと》 #IRyS One Step at a Time《レコおと》
リリースされました! #HOLOSTARS 3期生 影山シエンさん(@kageyamashien )・荒咬オウガ(@aragamioga) さんのオリジナル楽曲「ナイト ライト サイド」 作編曲/ミックス担当しました! 作詞 ヤマモトショウさん、ありがとうございました!(@yamamoto_sho) twitter.com/hololive_music…
始まりました! 配信コメント&ハッシュタグでの応援、よろしくお願いします! 【#夜十神封魔3D お披露目】妖、ついに3Dになる🦝【#夜十神封魔 #アップロー #HOLOSTARSyoutu.be/IyYMElI9t_c @YouTubeより
🎉News🎉 #HOLOSTARS' official MMD models now in distribution!🎊🥳 🔽Official MMD Models🔽 Hanasaki Miyabi, Kanade Izuru, Arurandeisu, Rikka, Astel Leda, Kishido Temma, Yukoku Roberu, Kageyama Shien, Aragami Oga 🔽DL Link🔽 mmd.hololive.tv/holostars #MMDホロスターズ
[🌟New stars*collection!🌟] Oga makes a move on Shien's beloved. Shien rages out and Oga instigates further... Their battle starts now―🔫 Ep. 30 of #HOLOSTARS' VTuber 3D anime "stars*collection!" is live!✨🎬 Leave thoughts using: #スタこれ 🙌 ⬇️Linky⬇️ youtu.be/jyqLGDnMNvs
To celebrate HOLOSTARS 4th anniversary, we held a group cover project of Find It in Indonesia version HOLOSTARS 【ホロスターズ】Find It / Indonesia Ver【Star Fans ID Group Cover】 Premiere on 3rd June 2023 14:00 WIB MV: youtu.be/GgwDN_WsNno #HOLOSTARS #ホロスターズ
[🌟New stars*collection!🌟] #UPROAR!!'s #UtsugiUyu🃏 debut! The phantom thief brilliantly steals treasure... What about his calling card? Ep. 43 of #HOLOSTARS' VTuber 3D anime "stars*collection!" is live!✨🎬 Leave thoughts using: #スタこれ 🙌 ⬇️Linky⬇️ youtu.be/1X1PkLqzvEQ
#holoTEMPUS #Banzoinhakka #HOLOSTARS (7pm PST, 10pm EST) MINECRAFT WITH MY TEMPUS BOYOS AND HOLOSTARS SENPAIS, LET'S GO BABY!!! 🔴#Hakkast🔅#Hakkitos Waiting room: youtube.com/live/hco0fJ9yG…
More details will be announced at a later date❗ Stay tuned!✨ Get excited!😘 #UPROAR #HOLOSTARS
Aru🍕 & Oga's🐃 Muscle All-Night Radio📻! Today's guest, Hanasaki Miyabi🌺, talks passionately about his muscles!💪 The next #HOLOSTARS' "stars*collection" airs tomorrow at 7 PM!🎬 Only on HOLOSTARS official ch.❗️ ⬇️UPROAR!! Ep⬇️ youtu.be/hbFbNvd8RbQ
🍷 "The power's out!" 🍕 "No way!" ⁉️ "Boss, Now's our chance!" The next #HOLOSTARS' "stars*collection" airs tomorrow at 7 PM!🎬 Only on HOLOSTARS official ch.❗️ ⬇️Chilly Previous Ep⬇️ youtu.be/I7I-sNZnekA
[🌟New stars*collection!🌟] An important interpersonal skill is intimidation! Be *** & communication is smoother!💪 Wanna be ***, too?😄 Ep. 25 of #HOLOSTARS' VTuber 3D anime "stars*collection!" is live!✨🎬 Leave thoughts using: #スタこれ 🙌 ⬇️Linky⬇️ youtu.be/T6ZpC-89HKE
[🎉News🎉] Male VTuber Group Holostars Website Renewal Announcement🥳🙌 Come check out the all-new HOLOSTARS official site!✨ 🔽Announcement Post (Reddit)🔽 reddit.com/r/Hololive/com… 🔽Press Release (JP)🔽 prtimes.jp/main/html/rd/p… #ホロスターズ #HOLOSTARS
[🎉New Members' Illustrators 1/2🎉] Hizaki Gamma🖌: takita twitter.com/tkyk01c2 Minase Rio🕯: KEKI twitter.com/rudecopper #UPROAR #HOLOSTARS
[🌟New stars*collection!🌟] #AstelLeda🎭 makes a selfie contest‼️ #Arurandeisu🍕 #Rikka⚙️ and #KanadeIzuru🎸 join in!✨ Who will win?🏆 Ep. 5 of #HOLOSTARS' VTuber 3D anime "stars*collection!" is live!✨🎬 Leave thoughts using: #スタこれ 🙌 ⬇️Linky⬇️ youtu.be/2v3K18VKkds