Recently created Twitter account appears attempting to exculpate the Chinese Consulate in #HKBob saga with heavily edited video splicing material clearly gathered mainly through Consulate CCTV. Wonder who’s behind the account 🤔 twitter.com/McrStory/statu…
Update: @Afzal4Gorton has been granted an Urgent Question on #HKBob at 12:30 in @HouseofCommons Let’s hear what Ministers have to say about this 👇
Some further details: 1. Apparently no police statements taken yesterday (why?) 2. Ambulance not called for #HKBob 3. Police have briefed that Bob didn’t want to press charges (victim says this is false). The Home Secretary needs to get a grip of this asap. twitter.com/lukedepulford/…
#BREAK @FCDOGovUK Minister @Jesse_Norman “Extremely concerned” about beating of #HKBob Foreign Secretary @JamesCleverly has summoned Chinese Ambassador to demand an explanation for behaviour of consulate staff. Investigation underway.