Hola Ladies and Gentlemen! We decided to take a bit rest from toku universe event and try to challenge our members with Gundam Events! Deadline: December 16th, the rules are in the message #HDWGundamIBOchallenge
For @catball19941 Gundam IBO event ASW - G - 28 Gundam Berith From Teiwaz Armament: Halberd rifle , Pliers shield It's an MS Close Combat Type. During the time of operation, High maneuverability mode The color of the upper part will change to red. #HDWGundamIBOchallenge
以第25位魔神Glasya-Labolas为原型以支援干扰和狙击的作战方式设计的轻量型高达,搭载大型电磁狙击枪,身披电子迷彩装甲,被发现时可抛弃装甲和武器撤退,“厄祭战“后被宇宙海盗回收 #HDWGundamIBOchallenge