🎂#HBDOPPIO2023 🎂 【Hashtags】🎡🐣🎡🐣🎡🐣 🐣MEME/CLIPS: #Doppameme 🎡LIVE: #Dropstonight 🐣SFW ART: #Dropsights / NSFW: #Dropshy 🎡STREAMS ASSETS: #Doppioassets 🐣STREAM THUMBNAILS: #Doppionails 🎡ASMR SCRIPTS: #Doppioscripts 🐣FAN NAME: #Scythekicks 🎡STUDENT COUNCIL: #XSOLEIL
Phewf! Waiting room for tonight's Vampire Drama CD Premiere + BDAY Countdown thingy is online!! ❤️🎂#dropstonight #HBDOPPIO2023 (I really gotta learn how to name videos more concisely LOL) youtube.com/live/-TTC8D9XD… arts: @/jaMshi_02 & @/Yuu__xio
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO DOPPY!!!! 🎉😚🎊 I admire your crazy ideas and respect all the love and kindness you always give to us. I’m glad to have you as my genmate, and I wish you the very best. Oh, please let me write your Japanese asmr script one day hehe😚🙏💖#HBDOPPIO2023