Beom hunter team Chakho's "Today's Tidbit" Come get your Chakho's tidbits! Satisfy your curiosity on #HARU today! WEBTOON▶ linktr.ee/7FATES_CHAKHO Every Saturday with #CHAKHO #7FATES_CHAKHO #WEBTOON #Wattpad
#Be_the_Protagonist #Surviving_in_Sinsi You're back at Inwang Mountain! There, you meet #HARU, the guardian of Inwang Mountain, and regain your memory with his help So... I was tricked by my parents’ nemesis and unleashed these monsters called “beom” onto the world?
#DOGEON bought one for me, and it was refreshing and oh so sweet.” Who wants to see #HARU , our adorable super attractive character in Hanbok? Check him out on #CHAKHO 👉bit.ly/CHAKHO_TOON_NA #CHAKHO #7FATES_CHAKHO #WEBTOON
#HARU ‘s teachings will make you a pro beom hunter✨ Want to see how much #ZEHA has improved? Check it out on #CHAKHO ! 👉bit.ly/CHAKHO_TOON_NA #CHAKHO #7FATES_CHAKHO #WEBTOON
Look how #ZEHA and #HARU put on different faces!🤭 Maybe that’s why they make such a perfect team!! Want to find out about the scenes in this meme? Find them on #CHAKHO! 👉bit.ly/CHAKHO_TOON_NA #CHAKHO #7FATES_CHAKHO #WEBTOON
#ZEHA #CHAKHO will be back with new stories in August! #HARU Hmm, it won't be long now. See you then. #7FATES_CHAKHO 👉 bit.ly/CHAKHO_TOON_NA #7FATES_CHAKHO #WEBTOON
/  🦇1分でわかるHARU(御劔虎春)🌹 \ Fantôme Iris ベース担当 #HARU の魅力をまとめました🎸💅🏻 2022年9月7日(水)発売💿 発売まであと4日❕ 詳細:argo-bdp.com/music/post-363… Fantôme IrisのMVはこちら! 「miroir」 →youtu.be/0FDWSOro-O4
15周年⛄#さっぽろ雪まつりKPOPFES 2023だけで見れる🤩3年ぶり復活✨恒例SpecialMC決定📢 初MC挑戦 #nSSign #カズタ #NATURE #HARU🎌#KAZUTA が盛り上げる✨ 皆でひとつになろう🫰 🎫NPO日韓SNS先行 🔗pia.jp/v/k-pop-fes23a… #GFSC 抽選会 Special #ミーグリ✅ 🎫&詳細🔗japankorea.org/k-pop_festival…