이벤트 마감까지 4일 😲 #인더섬 광고를 시청하고 #HAPPY9thARMYDAY 인증샷 이벤트도 놓치지 마세요 📸💎 4 days are left! Meet #BTSIsland in Seoul, Tokyo, and New York! Watch the ad, and don't miss out on the #HAPPY9thARMYDAY Proof Shot event. #IntheSEOM #インザソム twitter.com/INTHESEOM_BTS/…
이벤트 마감까지 4일 😲 #인더섬 광고를 시청하고 #HAPPY9thARMYDAY 인증샷 이벤트도 놓치지 마세요 📸💎 4 days are left! Meet #BTSIsland in Seoul, Tokyo, and New York! Watch the ad, and don't miss out on the #HAPPY9thARMYDAY Proof Shot event. #IntheSEOM #インザソム twitter.com/INTHESEOM_BTS/…
#HAPPY9thARMYDAY 💜! #인더섬 이 도쿄, 서울, 뉴욕에 숨겨둔 비밀 코드 찾고 79 보석 받아가세요! Find the secret codes #BTSIsland hid in Tokyo, Seoul, and New York and receive 79 Gems! 🏝️bit.ly/3yqLKXu #IntheSEOM #インザソム
#HAPPY9thARMYDAY 서울에서 만난 #인더섬, GM도 찍었섬 💜 전세계 ARMY들의 인증샷도 기대할게요! Met #BTSIsland in SEOUL, GM also took a photo of it💜 Can't wait to see our ARMYs' photoshoots throughout the world #IntheSEOM #インザソム #포카보호예절 #이거맞죠
#HAPPY9thARMYDAY 渋谷で出会った #インザソム GMSEOMZiggyも江南で見ているはず…💜 全世界ARMYの渋谷/江南/ニューヨークでの撮影も期待しています! 🚩Gangnam subway station, Gangnam-daero, Gangnam-gu, Seoul 🚩50 W 45th St, New York, NY 10036, USA #IntheSEOM #BTSIsland #インザソム
SNSハッシュタグ📸イベントにご参加ください! #HAPPY9thARMYDAY タグと広告を撮影した画像+ゲーム内ニックネームをツイートしてくれた人の中から、抽選で特別なプレゼント🎁を差し上げます💜 🏝 bit.ly/3Ao1Jb7 #IntheSEOM #BTSIsland #インザソム
📸Billboard photo shoot event! 인증샷과 #HAPPY9thARMYDAY 태그, 닉네임을 남겨주세요! 추첨을 통해 선물🎁을 드려요💜 Leave photo shoot and hashtag with your in-game nickname Will be giving out gifts through drawing 🏝 bit.ly/3Ao1Jb7 #IntheSEOM #BTSIsland #インザソム
ARMYがもうすぐ9歳になるって😳? #インザソム with BTSでは #HAPPY9thARMYDAY に特別なイベントを準備中です🎁💜 🏝 bit.ly/3xrzNjw #IntheSEOM #BTSIsland
ARMY가 곧 9살이 된다구요? 😳 #인더섬 with BTS가 #HAPPY9thARMYDAY 를 맞아 특별한 이벤트를 준비해 올게요 🎁💜 ARMY becoming 9 years old? #BTSIsland In the SEOM will prepare a special event for HAPPY 9th ARMY DAY! #IntheSEOM #インザソム