A new community radio station is coming to Night City in the Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty expansion 📡🎶 Help Ash set up 89.7 #GrowlFM by creating a music track inspired by the video below. Submit your piece by November 30th! For detes and rules check cyberpunk.net/growlfm
#サイバーパンク2077 拡張パック「仮初めの自由」で新たに追加されるラジオ局 89.7 #GrowlFM をコミュニティで作り上げよう! 📡🎶 映像の雰囲気に沿った楽曲を11月30日までに投稿すれば、楽曲がゲームに登場するチャンスが! コンテストの詳細はこちら:cyberpunk.net/growlfm
What’s up, Pacifica! It’s awesome to see that you’re so excited about the #GrowlFM community music contest for #Cyberpunk2077. We've just added an FAQ section to cyberpunk.net/growlfm, so make sure to check it out if you have any questions about participating in the contest!🎶
Reminder: if you’ve been working on your #GrowlFM music track but haven’t submitted it yet, you have only until 4 PM CET today to send it to us via cyberpunk.net/growlfm! ⏰
Submissions to our #GrowlFM Community Music Contest are now officially closed. Your response blew our minds – you have created and sent us over 7800 tracks! 🤯 Stay tuned for the announcement of the winners in January!
Congratulations to the winners of #GrowlFM music contest! 🥳 We have picked these 14 awesome tracks to become part of Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty as the new 89.7 Growl FM radio station. Can’t wait for you to give them a listen while driving around Dogtown! 🎶
Growl (グラウル)FMミュージックコンテスト入賞者の皆さん、おめでとうございます! 🥳 こちらの素晴らしい14曲を『サイバーパンク2077』「仮初めの自由」内に登場する89.7 Growl (グラウル)FMラジオ局の楽曲として採用させていただくことになりました。お届けできる日が楽しみです! #GrowlFM
【お知らせ】Cyberpunk 2077 GrowlFMコンテスト NoWorldの曲が入賞しました ゲーム内でわたしの歌が流れるなんて信じられないほどうれしいです NoWorld's song won a prize! I am incredibly happy that my song is played in the game! #GrowlFM #Cyberpunk2077 #NoWorld twitter.com/CyberpunkGame/…