#GreatDanceCrew Leader #TEN presented an extraordinary dance show in the final night! So proud of Leader #TENLEE and look forward to see more wonderful stages in the future! #TENxGDC_FinalStage #YOUKU #优酷
【ENGSUB】#GreatDanceCrew The more detail-oriented the teaching is, the more serious he is when learning pronunciation! The gentle and meticulous leader #TEN #TENLEE is immersed in the world of dialects. Come to learn some words with him! #NCT #NCTTEN #WayV #WayVTEN #YOUKU #优酷
#了不起舞社主题曲发布 #了不起舞社第二次汇报演出 Here's a little surprise for you! 相信大家都能从主题曲舞台中感受到每一位队员对舞蹈的热情与真心💗 希望她们可以成为自己的光! #GreatDanceCrew #TENxGreatDanceCrew #Incredible #TEN #李永钦 #WayV #WeiShenV #威神V
#GreatDanceCrew Leader #TEN #TENLEE is seldom severe. Most of the time, he's professional, considerate, and warm-hearted. He remembers every team member's name precisely. How great he is! #NCT #NCTTEN #WayV #WayVTEN #EnchantingLeaderTEN #YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Team members in GDC are united! Great teamwork is the foundation of powerful routines. Such dance will make Leader #TEN #TENLEE happy! #NCT #NCTTEN #WayV #WayVTEN #EnchantingLeaderTEN #YOUKU #优酷
#了不起舞社主理人合作舞台直拍 #了不起舞社 主理人TEN李永钦的《只羡鸳鸯不羡仙》直拍请接收📨 一起来感受一下经典金曲和中国风的魅力吧!✌🏻 TENLEE GDC Collab Stage #GreatDanceCrew #TEN_TraditionalDance #TEN #李永钦 #WayV #WeiShenV #威神V
#GreatDanceCrew When a classic love story is turned into a dance, Leader #ChengXiao and Leader #TEN will bring the heart-wrenching love story to life with their true emotions. Come and reminisce about The Enchanting Shadow with the two leaders tonight in the semi-final!
#GreatDanceCrew Dance on the stage, shine brightly, enjoy the show as an audience, and comment in great detail. How can we be satisfied with just watching a short freestyle of Leader #TEN #TENLEE? At 8 PM (UTC+8) tomorrow, let's enjoy his fantastic battle!
#GreatDanceCrew A great dancer with a great sense of rhythm.😻 Leader #TEN #TENLEE's stage is so catching! Who can resist his smile? EP02 Part 1: youtu.be/jUEaiNIQlNM EP02 Part 2: youtu.be/I08AZUV418M #WayV #WayVTEN #GDCxTEN_SpecialStage #TEN_AestheticStage
#GreatDanceCrew We have added ENGSUB and THAISUB for this video💕 ✨Stay tuned to GDC and join YOUKU SHOW Membership🔗bit.ly/youkushowmembe… #TEN #TENLEE #NCT #NCTTEN #WayV #WayVTEN #李永钦了不起舞社 #TENxGreatDanceCrew
#GreatDanceCrew When a handsome man meets a beautiful ghost, what kind of love story will happen? Let's watch the amazing collaboration stage of Leaders #ChengXiao and #TEN! 👉youtube.com/watch?v=bmqIGp… #YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Who also slowed down the video to see how Leader #TEN #TENLEE learned the choreo? What's the secret to eight times the speed of learning. I won't worry about my productivity anymore if I master his method! #NCT #NCTTEN #WayV #WayVTEN #TEN_CATLEADERofGDC
#GreatDanceCrew Surprise! Here is the family photo! What kind of interesting chemistry will #AlecSu #Fei #ChengXiao #TEN #SANTA @SANTADANCE_ have with the members in GDC? 👉Stay tuned to GDC and join YOUKU SHOW Membership: bit.ly/youkushowmembe…! #WayVTEN #INTO1SANTA
#GreatDanceCrew I have a new impression of the gentleman Leader #TEN! It's that he can respond to memes straight away! The "bickering" interaction between #TENLEE and the president and other leaders is really interesting. Sure enough, the soul of GDC is actually the humour!
#GreatDanceCrew Full of empathy&creativity, he immerses himself to reach the core of dancers. GDC is coming soon, get ready to talk to the world by dancing together with leader #TEN #TENLEE! Starting from April, only on YOUKU SHOW YouTube at 20:00 (UTC+8) every Sat., stay tuned!
#GreatDanceCrew A colleague asked me: "Why do you stare with wide eyes?" I replied: "I'm watching the two public performances of Leader #TEN. I am afraid I'll miss anything if I squint!" I lose my heart to Leader #TENLEE. What about you?
#GreatDanceCrew I look at the stills of Leader #TEN and my mind isn't on the job anymore. I don't mean to do it, but it's an instinctive reaction just like that #TENLEE danced when hearing "Take Off"! It's true, believe me! #NCT #NCTTEN #WayV #WayVTEN #GDCDanceBattlexTEN
#GreatDanceCrew Swag is not only a style but also an attitude! Leader #TEN was dominant and released his infinite energy on the stage. Every time I watch #TENLEE's video, I feel I'm motivated! #NCT #NCTTEN #WayV #WayVTEN #YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew President, Leaders, and team members prepared a surprise party to celebrate Leader #TEN's birthday!🎂Best wishes to our cat lover Leader #TENLEE!🎊 🎉🎁 🎈 #NCT #NCTTEN #WayV #WayVTEN #TEN_CATLEADERofGDC #YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew It’s an absolute joy to watch Leader #TEN’s smooth dance transitions! So elegant and aesthetic! The thought of Leader #TENLEE’s performance makes me excited! Just another reminder of what’s important: I’ll see you tonight at 8 PM (UTC+8).
#GreatDanceCrew Retro cowboy style or not? Leader #TEN's red denim jacket has made audience imagine some scenes of the competition. No-prize quiz: What kind of stage will Leader #TENLEE and his team members present at 8 PM (UTC+8) tomorrow? #YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Who can resist the look with anticipation of Leader #TEN? Those charming eyes can even make you forget your dance moves! Tonight at 8:00 PM (UTC+8), tell me who is not practicing their dance! #NCT #NCTTEN #WayV #WayVTEN #GDCxTEN_SpecialStage #TEN_AestheticStage
#GreatDanceCrew Who hasn't shed tears for Leader #TEN #TENLEE yesterday?! He prepared a surprising dance show and sent us his best wishes. Everyone is touched by his birthday gift. My eyes are swollen from crying! #YOUKU #优酷
#GreatDanceCrew Leader #TEN gently comments, praises the progress of every team member, and feels their energy on the stage. Leader #TENLEE remembers everyone that has rehearsed with him in his heart!