私はマンモスです!あなたもアースデー #GoogleDoodle 動物診断に挑戦してみませんか? g.co/doodle/qja95k そうか…マンモスか…
Google検索が、、、! ヴィクトル ユーゴーを祝福!#GoogleDoodle g.co/doodle/b3kws9
グーグル検索 @GoogleDoodles で表示されるサッカーワールドカップの応援イラストを今回描かせていただきました。日本戦の日に、他チームとアソートで出てきます。 google.com/doodles #GoogleDoodle
昨日7月29日の #GoogleDoodle はドイツでも #杉原千畝 氏。ナチスの迫害から逃れるユダヤ難民らにビザを発給し、6千人以上といわれる多くの命を救った日本の外交官について、これまであまりドイツでは知られていませんでしたが、昨日をきっかけに多く報じられました📰google.com/doodles/celebr…
US Army veteran Pete Damon is the guest artist behind today's #GoogleDoodle. This #VeteransDay, we join him in paying tribute to all of you who have served and sacrificed for our country. google.com/doodles/vetera…
Wishing each other happiness and prosperity for Lunar New Year! Today's #GoogleDoodle depicts the ancient legend of the race that earned the rat its premier spot in the calendar → goo.gle/3aJMavm
Excited for a great game at #ICCWomensT20WorldCup2020 and Happy #InternationalWomensDay! We’re celebrating with a #GoogleDoodle that honors the women who have fought for progress and changed history over generations and around the globe. google.com/doodles/intern…
Starting today, we're launching a #GoogleDoodle series to honor many of those on the front lines in the fight against #COVID19. Today's doodle is dedicated to the public health workers and researchers in the scientific community - on behalf of all of us, thank you.
わたしたちの生活をいつも支えてくださり、ありがとうございます。#いまできること #家にいよう #Google #GoogleDoodle twitter.com/yamato_1919112…
今日のGoogleのトップアレクサンドル・デュマだ! スライドショー形式でエドモン・ダンテスがモンテクリスト伯になるまでが見れるよ 絵柄めちゃくちゃかわいいな アレクサンドル・デュマ生誕 218 周年を祝おう!#GoogleDoodle g.co/doodle/c79d32k
Today we’re proud to honor veterans with a #GoogleDoodle by guest artist and Air Force vet Jenn Hassin, who created this sculpture from military uniforms donated by veterans. We’re grateful to her and all veterans for their service. google.com/doodles/vetera…
Our latest #GoogleDoodle game is the most complex one we’ve ever created, inspired by 16-bit Japanese video games of the 90's with more than 4 hours of gameplay...let the games begin! google.com/doodles/doodle…
大家都可愛塗一下🧡 #GoogleDoodle #doodlechampionislandgames
Doodle チャンピオン アイランド ゲームへようこそ❗ このインタラクティブな #GoogleDoodle では、忍者猫のラッキーと一緒に、日本の民話のキャラクター達と出会いながら、卓球やクライミングなどのスポーツを楽しめます✨ 今すぐ壮大な冒険に出発😺 → google.co.jp
Googleのラッキーザキャット!!かわいい~!!!! #GoogleDoodle
Thank you to our guest artist & Army veteran Steven Tette for today's #GoogleDoodle honoring all veterans for their brave service. We're proud to support veterans and military families, and are grateful for all the veterans in our Google community. google.com/doodles/vetera…
Stephen Hawking had a huge influence on so many of us, really excited to celebrate him in a special animated #GoogleDoodle today on what would have been his 80th birthday. Grateful to the Hawking family for sharing insights into his humor, life and legacy. blog.google/inside-google/…
Thank you to guest artist Olivia Fields for today's #GoogleDoodle honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and his legacy. Olivia's artwork was inspired by MLK's timeless quote: "the arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends toward justice." #MLKDay google.com/doodles/dr-mar…
Hamster Love of My Life 🐹❤🐹 #Valentine's Day #HamsterCoin #GoogleDoodle twitter.com/GoogleDoodles/…
3月3日🎎GoogleDoodle描きました♪みてね😉 2022 年雛祭り #GoogleDoodle google.com/doodles/girls-… @GoogleDoodlesより
Happy International Women's Day! Our animated #GoogleDoodle today honors and celebrates the many roles women play for themselves, their families, and their communities. google.com/doodles/intern…
Special #GoogleDoodle today celebrating the incredible first images from @NASAWebb! 🌌 google.com/doodles/celebr…
Happy Independence Day, India! We're commemorating 75 years with a special #GoogleDoodle celebrating family, community and the colorful kites that float in the skies every August 15 🇮🇳 google.com/doodles/india-…
今日のGoogleさん、海底の測量して海底地図を作った地質学者の女性だそうで、全然知らなかったけど、アニメーションとてもおもしろかったし、勉強になった。 マリー・サープ を称えて #GoogleDoodle g.co/doodle/w8w52hp
可愛い癒しゲームでした! #GoogleDoodle