🇺🇸 With God's Menu surpassing 100,000,000 (100M) on-demand streams in the United States alone, #StrayKids becomes the 2nd male K-pop group in history to have a song reach this milestone in the US! @Stray_Kids #GodsMenu
#GodsMenu MV has surpassed 6,900,000 (6,9M) likes on YouTube. We only need 100K more to make "God's Menu" the very first MV by a JYPE Act and 4th gen group to surpass 7M likes! 🔗: youtu.be/TQTlCHxyuu8 #StrayKids #스트레이키즈
Most Streamed 4th Generation Boy group songs on Spotify: 1. #GodsMenu — 223M 2. FEVER — 206M 3. OX1=LOVESONG — 169M 4. Drunk-Dazed — 161M 5. #BackDoor — 159M 6. Polaroid love — 155M 7. #Thunderous — 154M 8. Blue hour — 146M 9. Anti romantic — 145,8M 10. #MANIAC — 145,6M 🆕
Most Streamed 4th Generation Boy group songs on Spotify: 1. #GodsMenu — 223M 2. FEVER — 206M 3. OX1=LOVESONG — 170M 4. Drunk-Dazed — 161M 5. #BackDoor — 159M 6. Polaroid love — 155M 7. #Thunderous — 154M 8. Blue hour — 146,3M 9. #MANIAC — 146M (+1) 10. Anti romantic — 145,9M
Most Streamed 4th Generation Boy group songs on Spotify: 1. #GodsMenu — 224M 2. FEVER — 207M 3. OX1=LOVESONG — 170M 4. Drunk-Dazed — 162M 5. #BackDoor — 159M 6. Polaroid love — 156M 7. #Thunderous — 154M 8. #MANIAC — 146,8M (+1) 9. Blue hour — 146,7M 10. Anti romantic — 146,2M
.@Stray_Kids's most streamed songs each year on Spotify: 2018 : #MyPace — 13,715,165 2019 : #MIROH — 39,432,903 2020 : #GodsMenu — 65,797,021 2021 : #GodsMenu — 83,274,853 2022 : #MANIAC — 148,468,574 #StrayKids #스트레이키즈
.@Stray_Kids's most streamed songs each year on Spotify: 2018 : #MyPace — 13,715,165 2019 : #MIROH — 39,432,903 2020 : #GodsMenu — 65,797,021 2021 : #GodsMenu — 83,274,853 2022 : #MANIAC — 148,468,574 #StrayKids #스트레이키즈
Most Streamed 4th Generation Boygroup songs on Spotify #1 #GodsMenu #5 #BackDoor #7 #Thunderous #8 #MANIAC Let's increase our daily streams, here #StrayKids Top Songs focused playlist: 🔗open.spotify.com/playlist/6Pkqb…
Most viewed 4th Gen Boygroup MVs on YouTube: #1 #GodsMenu — 378M #2 #BackDoor — 294M #3 #Thunderous — 274M #4 Blue Hour — 173M #5 #MIROH — 171M #6 #MANIAC — 159,7M🔺 #7 Crown — 159,4M🔻 #8 Flash — 120M 🔩: youtu.be/OvioeS1ZZ7o #StrayKids #스트레이키즈
TOP 10 Most viewed 4th Gen Boygroup MVs on YouTube: #1 #GodsMenu — 379M #2 #BackDoor — 295M #3 #Thunderous — 275M #4 Blue Hour — 174M #5 #MIROH — 171M #6 #MANIAC — 161M #7 Crown — 159M #8 Flash — 120M #9 BOY — 117M #10 #ChristmasEveL — 116,76M 🆕 🔗: youtu.be/57n4dZAPxNY
#GodsMenu MV only needs 100K more to reach 380M views. stream: youtu.be/TQTlCHxyuu8 Don't forget to likes the MV, we also very close to reach 7M likes (current: 6,998,604 likes). #StrayKids #스트레이키즈
Most Liked MVs by 4th Generation Group on YouTube: #1. #GodsMenu — 7M #2. Wannabe — 6,2M #3. Crown — 5,67M #4. #BackDoor — 5,66M #5. #Thunderous — 5,5M #6. Blue Hour — 5,2M #7. In the Morning — 4,3M #8. Cat & Dog — 4,22M #9. Dalla Dalla — 4,20M #10. #ChristmasEveL — 4,1M
Most Liked MVs by 4th Generation Group on YouTube: #1. #GodsMenu — 7M #2. Wannabe — 6,2M #3. #BackDoor — 5,68M (+1)🔺 #4. Crown — 5,67M #5. #Thunderous — 5,5M #6. Blue Hour — 5,2M #7. In the Morning — 4,3M #8. Cat & Dog — 4,23M #9. Dalla Dalla — 4,21M #10. #ChristmasEveL — 4,1M
Most Streamed 4th Generation Boygroup songs on Spotify #1 #GodsMenu #6 #BackDoor #7 #Thunderous #8 #MANIAC #StrayKids #스트레이키즈
Stay here our next MV goals on YouTube: #THESOUND: 9,6M 🔜 10M 🎼 youtu.be/ivijoIfhl0o #CASE143: 95,5M 🔜 100M 💗 youtu.be/jYSlpC6Ud2A #Thunderous: 282,8M 🔜 300M ⚡youtu.be/EaswWiwMVs8 #GodsMenu: 385,2M 🔜 400M 🍽️youtu.be/TQTlCHxyuu8 #StrayKids #스트레이키즈
Stay here our next MV goals on YouTube: #GodsMenu: 388,4M 🔜 400M 🍽️youtu.be/TQTlCHxyuu8 #Thunderous: 286,5M 🔜 300M ⚡youtu.be/EaswWiwMVs8 #MIROH: 173,4M 🔜 200M 🦁youtu.be/Dab4EENTW5I #MANIAC: 170,9M 🔜 200M 🔩youtu.be/OvioeS1ZZ7o
TOP 10 Most viewed 4th Gen Boygroup MVs on YouTube: #1 #GodsMenu — 389M #2 #BackDoor — 303M #3 #Thunderous — 288M #4 Blue Hour — 176M #5 #MIROH — 173M #6 #MANIAC — 172 #7 Crown — 160M #8 #ChristmasEveL - 120,5M🔺 #9 Flash — 120,4M🔻 #10 BOY — 118M
.@Stray_Kids "神메뉴 (God's Menu)" M/V has surpassed 390,000,000 (390M) views on YouTube!🎉 👨‍🍳youtu.be/TQTlCHxyuu8 #StrayKids #스트레이키즈  #GO生 #GodsMenu
#GodsMenu MV is now 9,5M views away to reach 400M views on YouTube. 🔗youtu.be/TQTlCHxyuu8 #GodsMenuto400M @Stray_Kids
#GodsMenu MV is now 7,5M views away to reach 400M views on YouTube. 🔗youtu.be/TQTlCHxyuu8 #GodsMenuto400M @Stray_Kids
Most viewed 4th Gen Boygroups MVs on YouTube: #1. #GodsMenu - 393M #2. #BackDoor - 306M #3. #Thunderous - 292M #4. Blue hour - 177M #5. #MANIAC - 176M #6. #MIROH - 174M Let's occupy the top 5 with all @Stray_Kids music videos!!
Most viewed 4th Gen Boygroup MVs on YouTube: #1. #GodsMenu - 395M #2. #BackDoor - 308M #3. #Thunderous - 294M #4. #MANIAC - 178,4M🔺 #5. Blue hour - 178,3M #6. #MIROH - 175M Let's occupy the top 5 with all @Stray_Kids Music Videos!!
@Stray_KidsはYouTubeのMV4億回を突破する初の第4世代ナムジャグループです🎉 また、4億回の再生回数を持つK-POPナムジャグループとして、BIGBANG、EXO、BTS、GOT7、iKON に加わりました✨️ GOD’S MENU 400M MALA TASTE #GodsMenu400MViews #GodsMenu #StrayKids #StrayKids #GodsMenu twitter.com/skz_inf8/statu…
@Stray_KidsはYouTubeのMV4億回を突破する初の第4世代ナムジャグループです🎉 また、4億回の再生回数を持つK-POPナムジャグループとして、BIGBANG、EXO、BTS、GOT7、iKON に加わりました✨️ GOD’S MENU 400M MALA TASTE #GodsMenu400MViews #GodsMenu #StrayKids #StrayKids #GodsMenu twitter.com/skz_inf8/statu…