#GetWellSoonJENO Cepet sembuh yg selalu pake tenaga dalam. Cepet sehat lagi!! Yuk bisa yuk tenaganya di alokasikan buat recovery 😘
23010 #JENO #NCTDREAM #제노 #GetWellSoonJENO Our lovely and cute Jeno. Please take care and takes lots of rests. We love you! Sending this pic to cheer all of us. 🥺
[NOTICE] Pengumuman tentang Jeno. Jeno merasakan tidak enak badan kemudian memutuskan untuk mengambil tes antigen mandiri dan hasilnya positif. Seluruh jadwal hari ini dan selanjutnya akan diberhentikan sementara krn Jeno tengah melakukan karantina mandiri. #GetWellSoonJENO
let us all send encouragement words and love for #JENO through his bubble or twitter hashtag #우제똥이리오세요 🤍 we sincerely hope that he's taking the time to prioritize his health and take care of himself first. we will be waiting patiently for his recovery. #GetWellSoonJENO