Water = life = basic human rights. Yet 800,000 women and girls die due to the lack of clean water, basic sanitation, and hygiene. Women and girls need: 💧safe drinking water 💧adequate sanitation 🩸menstrual hygiene facilities More #GenderData: unwo.men/HP5i50MhBnt #SDG5
It's 2022 and violence is still a real threat to too many women & girls worldwide. On #NonViolence day let us stand against gender-based violence EVERYWHERE. Check our latest #GenderData: unwo.men/m99p50KYxKm #SDG5
Water = life = basic human rights. Yet 800,000 women and girls die due to the lack of clean water, basic sanitation, and hygiene. Women and girls need: 💧safe drinking water 💧adequate sanitation 🩸menstrual hygiene facilities More #GenderData: unwo.men/tvuP50KCuix #SDG5
Education is not a privilege. It is a fundamental RIGHT. Yet nearly 130 million girls are out of school globally. This puts them at a risk of violence, exploitation & early marriage. Find out more in the 2022 Gender Snapshot report: unwo.men/MhKl50Lsv7R #SDG5 #GenderData
Education is not a privilege. It is a fundamental RIGHT. Yet nearly 130 million girls are out of school globally. This puts them at risk of violence, exploitation & early marriage. 👉Find out more in the Gender Snapshot report: unwo.men/OaVT50Mt3bI #EducationDay #GenderData
Too many victims of femicide still go uncounted. For roughly 4 in 10 women & girls killed intentionally in 2021 there is not enough information to identify them as gender-related killings. Learn why in our joint report with @UNODC: unwo.men/ABab50Mn6Iq #GenderData
Globally more women than men go hungry. Nearly 1 in 3 women experience moderate or severe food insecurity and the gap continues to grow. Check the latest #GenderData 👉unwo.men/PnnS50L8gAb #SDG5 #GlobalGoals #WorldFoodDay
✔️We need to increase investment in the collection and analysis of #GenderData. ✔️We need to monitor progress on all #GlobalGoals from a gender perspective. The distance remaining to achieve #SDG5 is long and time is short. Learn more unwo.men/K6zz50KpAji
511 million. That's the number of women and girls living in fragile and conflict-affected countries. This number has nearly doubled when compared to 2019. Find out more in the 2022 Gender Snapshot report from @UN_Women and @UNDESA: unwo.men/b6rj50KCzsn #SDG5 #GenderData
Over 380 million. That's the number of women and girls facing extreme poverty and living on less than 1.90$ a day. 👉 More facts on gender equality and the #GlobalGoals in the 2022 Gender Snapshot report: unwo.men/fGLM50KCuUL #SDG5 #GenderData
8 years. That's the time we still have to achieve the #GlobalGoals by 2030, and gender equality cuts across all 17 of them. Do you think we can still make it? Check the brand new @UN_Women & @UNDESA 2022 Gender Snapshot report: unwo.men/kMy050KCt50 #SDG5 #GenderData
Globally more women than men go hungry. Nearly 1 in 3 women experience moderate or severe food insecurity and the gap continues to grow. 👉 Check the @UN_Women and @UNDESA 2022 Gender Snapshot report for the latest #GenderData: unwo.men/QX4450KCuP5 #SDG5 #GlobalGoals