Overwhelmed with emotions and a super happy winner! 🥇👏🏻 #DanielGrassl 🇮🇹 #MKJohnWilsonTrophy #GPFigure
#SotaYamamoto 🇯🇵 #山本草太 257.85 starts his program with 3 amazing quads and secures the 🥈! We will see you in Torino 🇮🇹👏🏻! #NHKTrophy #GPFigure
Friday practice at #SkateAmerica: #KaoMiura 🇯🇵 #三浦佳生 Good luck for your SP tonight! 💪🏻 #GPFigure
Warm up group 2 entering the ice ☀️ #DenissVasiljevs 🇱🇻 #SCI22 #GPFigure
Will World Champion #ShomaUno 🇯🇵 #宇野昌磨 shine tonight? ✨ Here are a few more practice pics we took yesterday! 💪🏻 #StéphaneLambiel #GhislainBriand #SCI22 #GPFigure
#KazukiTomono 🇯🇵 #友野一希 FS run-through first two jumps skipped 3T, 3Lo, 3Aeu3S, 3F2T, 3A #GPFigure #IDF22
Fantastic cuts of music for Muramoto/Takahashi's RD, and props to them for keeping the energy up for a really challenging couple of pieces with very intricate holds throughout - lift went up a little slow at the end tho bit.ly/3sk5UQc #SkateAmerica #GPFigure
Bonus: ❤️ from #MaiMihara 🇯🇵 #三原舞依 to her fans at the end of the practice session! #GPEspoo #GPFigure
#MaeBereniceMeite 🇫🇷 58.84 - what a comeback on the big scene! 🔥 “The passion for the sport motivated me to come back! I feel amazing today. The previous competitons helped me to come back into the rhythm!” #GPFigure #IDF22
Ilia Malinin USA 4A, 4T, 4Lz, 4S(q?), 4Lz(ur?)1Eu3S(ur?fall), 3F3T, 3Lz3A TES 112.41, PCS 82.88, -1.00, 194.29, TOTAL 280.37 into 1st - very glad the judges didn't go crazy on the PCS, around 80 is where they should be bit.ly/3Dn1Y7x #SkateAmerica #GPFigure
#JunhwanCha 🇰🇷 #차준환 during his morning practice at #GPFigure #SkateAmerica - can the #FinlandiaTrophy 🥇win a medal here? 💪🏻 Also don‘t miss our recent interview with him: goldenskate.com/2022/10/junhwa…
GPシリーズ前半戦最後の中国大会きょう開幕です🇨🇳 田中刑事選手ケガから復帰戦🚓三原舞依選手はGP初戦ここからスタート⛸樋口新葉選手、本田真凜選手は早くも2戦目🏃‍♀️💨日本選手のみなさん‼︎加油ー‼️🔥 #figureskate #GPFigure
#SCI122 Men SP 1 Kao Miura 94.06 2 Shoma Uno 89.98 3 Matteo Rizzo 81.18 4 Keegan Messing 79.69 5 Camden Pulkinen 75.07 6 Conrad Orzel 69.69 bit.ly/3WfDNPW #GPFigure
浅田真央さんらを指導した佐藤信夫コーチの目。今後随時掲載していきます。 宮原知子、樋口新葉、コストナー、オズモンドらについて語ってくれました。ジャンプにややミスが出ても点が出る選手はこのあたりが素晴らしいようです #figuresukate #GPFigure asahi.com/articles/ASKD2…
How’s to start the men‘s practice with a smiling #KoshiroShimada 🇯🇵 #島田高志郎 ✨😊 #MKJohnWilsonTrophy #GPFigure
Watching Sota Yamamoto skate at such a high level once again was truly inspiring. Many others would have given up after so many injuries, but not him. Major kudos to Adam Siao Him Fa on his well-deserved victory and to Kazuki Tomono on his bronze-medal finish. #GPFigure
SuperYuman - Yuma Kagiyama 🇯🇵 delivers the performance of his life to rocket up from 7th to the top of the podium in the #GPFigure #GPItalia men’s event. A medal too for the hosts courtesy of Daniel Grassl 🇮🇹 is a nice way to end the competition.
【フィギュアスケート NHK杯  2019】 女子SPに向けて公式練習で調整する #紀平梨花 です。 #KihiraRika #RikaKihira #フィギュアスケート #フィギュア #NHK杯 #NHK杯フィギュア #NHKTrophy #GPFigure #FigureSkating #figureskate #真駒内セキスイハイムアイスアリーナ
Yuzuru Hanyu wins #GPFigure #GPHelsinki by a massive margin. Michal Brezina almost certain to qualify for the Grand Prix Final with two 🥈 from his assignments. Junhwan Cha on podium for second week in a row.
#GPFigure #グランプリシリーズ フランス🇫🇷国際 #IDF2019 現地の新聞に #ケヴィン・エイモズの記事「表彰台を目指す。他には無い。グルノーブルは僕の故郷。家族も友達もいる。それは僕にとって本当にアドバンテージだ」 Allez‼️ @kevin_aym 😉 #フィギュアスケート #figureskate @ffsportsdeglace
Russian Federation has announced that Evgenia Medvedeva has a crack in a bone in her right foot that may see her miss #GPFigure Final next month. fsrussia.ru/intervyu/3390-…
#DenissVasiljevs 🇱🇻: “I am feeling great, I think I found the right ryhthm during my practices and they have been really good recently!” (It definitely was the best we’ve ever seen of him today!) #SCI22 #GPFigure
#DonovanCarrillo 🇲🇽: “I am happy I could make my GP debut here but I know there is a lot of work ahead for me. After the Olympics I was a bit overwhelmed, I had so many new opportunities and was able to promote my sport in Mexico.” #GPFigure #SkateAmerica
Who do you think will be Numero Uno at #GPFigure #IFP2017 this weekend?
#GPFigure 宮原選手はFPの演技を終えた直後、ふわっと浮き上がっていきそうな素敵な笑顔だったなぁと思います。けがからの回復について話す流れで「計画以上にうまく進んでいる。ここで悔しい思いができてよかったな」と前向き。さすがです!