[TRANS] GOT7 Not By The Moon - a romantic comeback JB Q&A “I like the flow of the album. It has a story to it so I find it is meaningful.” • naver.me/F554ghNFsports.chosun.com/mobile/amp/art… #GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON #JB #제이비 #임재범 #GOT7_DYE #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
GOT7 일문일답! "고전소설 같은 앨범" naver.me/F554ghNF 2020.4.20 MON 6PM ALBUM RELEASE 2020.4.20 MON 8PM LIVE PREMIERE #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official #IGOT7 #아가새 #GOT7_DYE #GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON
[TRANS] GOT7 Monograph DYE EP1 🌴: Today even though I, unfortunately, failed my mission. One’s dream success. (Nevertheless) I’m always running for the success that I dream of. Let’s cheer up! Keep it up/good luck! #JB #제이비 #임재범 #GOT7_DYE #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
[SUB] GOT7 DYE Monograph EP1 Jaebeom receives his relay mission which is to make Jackson say “Seems like I’m the sexiest” and suspects that Youngjae’s mission involves him 👀 #GOT7_DYE #GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
[TRANS] GOT7 DYE Monograph EP1 Youngjae’s relay mission is to make Jaebeom say “a-ah” 🌙: ah right? 🌴: ah~ 🌙: a-ah~~ 🌴: a-ah~ ^^ mission success 😳😂 #GOT7_DYE #GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON #JB #제이비 #임재범 #Jaebeom #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
[TRANS] GOT7 Monograph DYE EP1 Q. Point of the outfits? 🌴: old style feel? And the accessories are the point Q. Point of this jacket making? 🌴: Glitter make up, think we’re doing this for the first time? And long hair #제이비 #임재범 #GOT7_DYE #JB #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official
GOT7 MONOGRAPH <DYE> EP.01 youtu.be/KVF7I4D3dmM 2020.4.20 MON 6PM ALBUM RELEASE 2020.4.20 MON 8PM LIVE PREMIERE vlive.tv/video/185348 #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official #IGOT7 #아가새 #GOT7_DYE #GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON
GOT7 <DYE> LIVE PREMIERE EVE🌕 vlive.tv/video/186616 2020.4.20 MON 6PM ALBUM RELEASE 2020.4.20 MON 8PM LIVE PREMIERE #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official #IGOT7 #아가새 #GOT7_DYE #GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON
190316 The more love I give you.the more I have.both loves are infinite. #JB #JayB #제이비 #재범 #GOT7 #갓세븐 @GOT7Official #GOT7_DYE #GOT7_NOTBYTHEMOON