#ASTRO #GATEWAY whole album Charting in BUGS at 24:00 kst (Almost all in TOP 20) 5 Knock 10 Sombody Like 11 빛이 돼줄게 14 We Still 15 내 이름을 부를 대 21 12시간 Keep Streaming Arohas!!! #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #아스트로
@manjubulpan [#윤산하] 헐 기여워 누구야 헐대박 #ASTRO  #아스트로  #GATEWAY  #Knock  #널찾아가
🐶Girlswalker viewers, Wanna be ur Star 🌟Hello! We're #ASTRO 🐮In this mini album #GATEWAY we'll be time traveller to come to meet u 🐱Title song #Knock is about travel thru time & space to find someone u can't meet now to where u can be together forever 🐥Pls listen to it a lot
#ASTRO will be performing #Knock #널찾아가 & 내 이름을 부를 때 "When You Call My Name" from its 7th mini album #GATEWAY in Show Champion later today with their power refreshing charm & to host a special corner '음. 소. 거' where they'll have special music introduction #아스트로
@candy_sanha0321 [#윤산하] 귀여움과 사랑스러움 멋짐이 빠졌습니다. #ASTRO  #아스트로  #GATEWAY  #Knock  #널찾아가
#ASTRO 200509 MBC Show! Music Core #Knock & 내 이름을 부를 때 (When you call my name) #아스트로 #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #널찾아가 #GATEWAY Please click the link below for individual photos on both stages 🔗m.post.naver.com/viewer/postVie…
#ASTRO Comeback D-DAY 7th mini album GATEWAY 3 pts to look forward 1.) #GATEWAY to the new world #Knock open the door 2.) 6 Time Travelers 1st complete group release in a yr & 4 mths 3.) 'Refreshing icon' moving forward with 'Power Refreshing' #아스트로 🔗naver.me/xT7vEFn9
♡200505출근 오늘도 고생해용~~ 화이팅~우리 따나~🥰 #ASTRO  #아스트로  #GATEWAY     #Knock  #널찾아가  #윤산하 #산하 #따나 #YOONSANHA #SANHA #サナ #尹产贺 #三哈 #ยุนซานฮา @offclASTRO
#ASTRO China fan sign 200621 op's name is 典典 (Dian Dian) Eunwoo: "典典我喜歡您" Dian Dian, I like you! *another lucky Aroha rip 😅💜 #ChaEunwoo #아스트로 #차은우 #ウヌ #車銀優 #ชาอึนอู #アストロ #널찾아가 #KNOCK #GATEWAY @offclASTROV weibo.com/tv/v/J7G1v1xFV…
自撮りの動画メッセージはTikTokでも公開中💓 🎥ASTRO 動画メッセージ tiktok.com/@girlswalkerne… #ASTRO #GATEWAY #Knock #아스트로 @jp_offclastro twitter.com/girlswalkernew…
@moonok_bean [#문빈] 뀨우뀨우 #ASTRO  #아스트로  #GATEWAY  #Knock  #널찾아가
#ASTRO interview with Girlswalker, Japan 200507 [Translation] - What the members are really in charge of - About #GATEWAY, #Knock & other songs - The tip of studying Japanese - #아스트로 Future goal in Japan - What they do when they stay at home 🔗girlswalker.com/archives/24741…
GaOn Weekly (2020.05.03 ~ 2020.05.09) Album Chart No. 1 #ASTRO #GATEWAY 🔗naver.me/52gC2JFO Download Chart No. 8 #아스트로 #Knock Digital Chart No. 129 ASTRO Knock So many 1st in this comeback Digital is always our weakest part but we managed to advance little by little
#ASTRO #GATEWAY whole album Charting in MeLON at 7:00 kst 55 Knock 71 We Still 72 빛이 돼줄게 73 내 이름을 부를 대 74 Sombody Like 76 12시간 We got whole album charted. Keep it UP Arohas! #진진 #엠제이 #차은우 #문빈 #라키 #윤산하 #아스트로
#ASTRO interview with Ray ~ Japan magazine 200506 - Concept of #GATEWAY & all the songs - Highlight of #Knock #널찾아가 - #아스트로's favorite song in this album - 🥇1st place pledge (❣️let's get it AROHAs, they've several pledges) - message to J-Aroha💜 🔗ray-web.jp/55177?page=1
@Bbu_MJ [#차은우] 어렵진않지만 쉽진않됴^^ 헷 #ASTRO  #아스트로  #GATEWAY  #Knock  #널찾아가
♡190203 팬싸 어린이날 축하해용🥳🍼 우리 애기따나는 제일 귀여운 사람이죠~🥰 #ASTRO #아스트로 #GATEWAY       #Knock #널찾아가 #윤산하 #산하 #따나 #YOONSANHA #SANHA #サナ #尹产贺 #三哈 #ยุนซานฮา @offclASTRO