G7 leaders are set to agree a landmark global health declaration, vowing to take steps to prevent a global pandemic from ever happening again. Read more here: g7uk.org/g7-leaders-to-… #G7UK
Lord Mark Sedwill is speaking to G7 leaders about how to #BuildBackBetter together globally as chair of the G7 Economic Resilience Panel. Find out more about the G7 Economic Resilience Panel's work 👉g7uk.org/economic-resil… #G7UK
Today G7 leaders will launch the 'Build Back Better for the World' plan, giving developing countries access to more, better and faster financing for vital green infrastructure projects. Find out more 👉 g7uk.org/g7-leaders-com… #G7UK #BuildBackBetter
The Pandemic Preparedness Partnership spoke to G7 leaders today about the #100DaysMission, and the crucial key steps they recommend to prepare for future pandemics. Find out more about the 100 Days Mission 👉g7uk.org/g7-discuss-100… #G7UK
📢 READ the Leaders’ Statement issued at the first #G7UK leaders’ meeting today where they agreed to intensify cooperation on fighting COVID-19 and “shape a recovery that promotes the health and prosperity of our people and planet” g7uk.org/joint-statemen…
Today's @G7 Global Vaccine Confidence Summit will bring together experts and decision makers including @DrTedros, @HelleThorning_S, @MattHancock, @MelissaFleming and Dr Fauci, to boost take-up of vaccines and protect the world. #GlobalVaccineConfidence #G7UK