We're already trending! FUTURE PERFECT OUT NOW #ManifestoDay1_OutNow #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #FuturePerfect @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
Drop the tags!! 🔒 5,000 REPLIES 🔒 1,000 RETWEETS FUTURE PERFECT OUT NOW #ManifestoDay1_OutNow #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #FuturePerfect @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
ENHYPEN is coming, ENGENEs! ♥ Start heading over to the premiere and don't miss ENHYPEN's FUTURE PERFECT (Pass The Mic) music video! ♥ FUTURE PERFECT OUT NOW #ManifestoDay1_OutNow #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #FuturePerfect @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
ENGENEs, prepare to welcome our perfect future as ENHYPEN's 3rd Mini Album will be released in 30 minutes! 🔥 🔒 2,000 Replies & RTs 🔗 youtube.com/watch?v=QMlNLo… FUTURE PERFECT OUT NOW #ManifestoDay1_OutNow #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #FuturePerfect @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
The manifesto is finally here! No one can stop ENHYPEN from drawing their own success with or without the hyphen ❤️‍🔥🎤 ❗️JOIN THE MV PREMIERE: youtube.com/watch?v=QMlNLo… FUTURE PERFECT OUT NOW #ManifestoDay1_OutNow #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #FuturePerfect @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
#ENHYPEN LINE MUSIC再生キャンペーン開催決定! 「Future Perfect (Pass the MIC)」を700回以上聞いていただいた方の中から抽選で14名様を「メンバー個別オンライン電話イベント」にご招待! 詳細はこちら→ enhypen-jp.weverse.io/news/detail.ph… #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #FuturePerfect #PasstheMIC
Stand your ground and declare your MANIFESTO! ENHYPEN is ready to pass the MIC, will you speak up? 🎤 Our anthem for a perfect future is here! 🔥 Let the whole world know 📣 FUTURE PERFECT OUT NOW #ManifestoDay1_OutNow #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #FuturePerfect
🚨‼️ENGENES - we need every single one of us to WATCH the #FuturePerfect PREMIERE ON YOUTUBE!!! PLEASE TUNE-IN AT 5:55 PM KST: ⬇️ ⬇️ ⬇️ 🖇 youtu.be/QMlNLo74mOw Our goal is to have 600K people tune-in! This will REALLY HELP with boosting the views & filtering! #ENHYPEN
🐥D-day🔥 #NI_KI #ENHYPEN   #MANIFESTO_DAY1     #FuturePerfect
ENHYPEN Music Broadcast PC!! #Manifesto_Day1 #FuturePerfect
ENGENE 📣 Future Perfect (Pass the MIC) debuts at #1 even before its release 🔥 Use this tags for BILLBOARD US Hot trending songs. Walk The Line | Shout Out | Foreshadow #FuturePerfect #Paradoxxxinvasion #EN_TFW #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #ENHYPEN  @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
The Chicago drill-style music would be a unique encounter for fans, but @enhypen_member didn't fail to convey feelings of hope and promise for the future through its 3rd EP, "Manifesto: Day 1." Click for more: bit.ly/3uitez6. #ENHYPEN #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #FuturePerfect
In a few moments we will witness Heeseung's legendary rap and Enhypen's iconic performances. Let's manifest the best! And give our best. This comeback is big! ❤️🔥 HEESEUNG FUTURE PERFECT RAPPER #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #FuturePerfect #희승 #ヒスン #李羲承 @ENHYPEN_members
I made a simple promotional video or comeback goals to remind every engenes. (also embedded the mv link) Feel free to refer to them :) Walk The Line | Shout Out | Foreshadow #FuturePerfect #Paradoxxxinvasion #EN_TFW     #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
Future Perfect (Pass the MIC) debuted at #1 on Billboard 24-hour Hot Trending Song chart! 🔥 Keep using these format, ENGENEs: Walk The Line | Shout Out | Foreshadow #FuturePerfect #Paradoxxxinvasion #EN_TFW #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
🎧음원 스밍 Big 이벤트🎁 🧡스밍 해시태그🧡 #엔진은_스밍도_퍼펙트 #ENHYPEN #FuturePerfect 🗓기간:7/4(월) ~ 7/10(일) 📬참여(응모) 방법: 본 이벤트 게시글 RT + 스밍인증 댓글(멘션) 🍀추첨:랜덤 5명 🎁선물:엔하이픈 성훈 슬로건 엔진 스밍으로 엔커넥🔀🙌 #엔하이픈컴백 #엔하이픈음총
INSTAGRAM | 220704 @/koreadispatch ✔️ENHYPEN ✔️ENHYPEN's 3rd Mini Album 'MANIFESTO : DAY 1' Comeback Showcase ✔️2022.07.04 #ENHYPEN #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #FuturePerfect @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN
REMINDER‼️ PRE-SAVE #MANIFESTO_DAY1 on Spotify NOW if u haven’t yet! It only takes 10 seconds, & it will help @ENHYPEN with CURATED PLAYLISTS on Spotify, which are crucial for Charting high & for longer!! #ENHYPEN #FuturePerfect CLICK HERE NOW PLS⬇️ presave.umusic.com/manifestoday1
[K-MEDIA] MANIFESTO : DAY 1 Media Showcase 220704 ENHYPEN #JAY, #ENHYPEN’s representative ‘Rebel’ gaze 🔹 naver.me/I5opNifu #FuturePerfect  #MANIFESTO_DAY1  #ENHYPEN  #엔하이픈  #제이 #ENHYPEN_JAY #엔하이픈_제이 @ENHYPEN @ENHYPEN_members
[THREAD] 220704 ENHYPEN #JAY MANIFESTO : DAY 1 Media Showcase Naver Articles by K-Media 📸 React, Recommend & Share all of these articles for #ENHYPEN_JAY’s Brand Reputation! #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #FuturePerfect #ENHYPEN #엔하이픈 #제이 #엔하이픈_제이 @ENHYPEN
THE MANIFESTO IS ABOUT TO BE REVEALED. ❤️‍🔥 ENGENEs, please be please be aware of our HOURLY GOALS for ENHYPEN’s #FuturePerfect Official Music Video. Let's stream properly & make the most of this comeback. ✨ 🔗 youtube.com/watch?v=QMlNLo… @ENHYPEN_members @ENHYPEN #ENHYPEN
🎧Future Perfect 스밍리스트 #엔하이픈컴백스밍리스트 #ENHYPEN #FuturePerfect 🧡스밍 해시태그🧡 #엔진은_스밍도_퍼펙트 ☑️음질AAC 🔀전체반복재생 ❤앨범/전곡/엔하이픈 좋아요 꾹 💌앨범/타이틀곡 응원 감상평 작성 #엔하이픈 #ENHYPEN_COMEBACK #20220704_6pm #엔하이픈컴백 #엔하이픈음총
[Showcase] @ENHYPEN_members' Heeseung: I think the word "matured" best fits our new album. The title track's genre is something we've never heard of and we rap for the first time. Our performance and musicial skills have improved as well. #ENHYPEN #MANIFESTO_DAY1 #FuturePerfect