Gender equality intersects with every challenge we face, including #ClimateChange. Women are disproportionately impacted by climate disasters effects— & under @PowerUSAID's leadership, @USAID & @USAIDGender are committed to gender-responsive climate action. #FundingGenderEquality
Women must have an equal say in decision-making. If half of the population is unable to participate as equals, no society can reach its full potential. Thank you @ABaerbock! #FundingGenderEquality @AuswaertigesAmt @GermanyDiplo @GermanyUN
UN Women is proud to partner with France in achieving gender equality and women's empowerment globally. Many thanks to @Elisabeth_Borne for her support to UN Women’s mandate. #FundingGenderEquality @francediplo
“Professional equality, participation in peace processes, access to education, zero tolerance of violence, the right to abortion: France is leading all these battles as part of a determined feminist diplomacy.” - @MinColonna #FundingGenderEquality @francediplo