School strike week 167. Today we’re outside @StanChart asking them to stop funding our destruction. Banks still pour fantasy amounts into fossil fuels, destabilising the planet and putting many people’s lives at risk. #FridaysForFuture #CleanUpStandardChartered #UprootTheSystem
Climate strike week 225 in Sundsvall! #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #PeopleNotProfit
On Friday October 1st, I will join the climate strike in Milan with local and international activists. We will demand real climate action based on climate justice, which is the only way to stop the climate crisis. #anotherworldisnecessary #UprootTheSystem #FridaysForFuture
School strike week 223. Today we are 636 young people in @auroramalet who are suing the Swedish state for insufficient climate action. Therefore we now marched from the parliament to the court. #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #Aurora #ClimateTrials #UprootTheSystem @auroramalet
School strike week 197. Only one week left until the big climate strike in Stockholm! See you at 13.00 on Odenplan! #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #PeopleNotProfit #SchoolStrike4Climate #RöstFörRättvisa
"Vanessa continues to teach a most critical lesson. She reminds us that while we may all be in the same storm, we are not all in the same boat." So proud of my friend Vanessa Nakate! #Time100 #FridaysForFuture #ClimateJustice time.com/collection/tim…
School strike week 187. Next Friday is the global climate strike, find your local protest or register your own at fridaysforfuture.org/march25/ #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #PeopleNotProfit
Join us on the global strike on Friday September 24th! All over the world we will go out on the streets again, calling for world leaders to #UprootTheSystem Find or register your local strike and read more at fridaysforfuture.org/september24 #FridaysForFuture
Tomorrow is the day! All over the planet people will strike, march and protest to demand world leaders to prioritise #PeopleNotProfit More info can be found at fridaysforfuture.org/march25/ Where will you be joining from? #FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike
We appreciate the effort, but we in #FridaysForFuture don’t wish to be linked to anything commercial. Nor do we wish to gain from overconsumption. The climate- and ecological crisis will only worsen by encouraging people to buy things they don’t need. 1/2 twitter.com/Fridays4future…
The next global #ClimateStrike is getting closer! This Friday, March 25th, we will take it to the streets again to protest for justice - for our present and our future. Here is some information to get you started! 🧵 #FridaysForFuture #PeopleNotProfit (Design by @namevdelang )
This Friday there are global climate strikes happening all over the world! I’ll join the strike in Berlin, 12.00 at the Bundestag. To find out more about the strikes happening visit fridaysforfuture.org/september24/ See you in the streets! #UprootTheSystem #FridaysForFuture #AlleFürsKlima twitter.com/FFF_Berlin/sta…
"We feel very motivated by the activism. It gives us a meaning in life - and a meaning in life makes you happy." Interview with @marclamonthill on Al Jazeera UpFront. #FridaysForFuture #FaceTheClimateEmergency youtube.com/watch?v=LPE3Vy…
#ClimateAction week1 私のこの投稿でシステムなんてこれっぽっちも変わらないかもしれないけれど、 継続的に声をあげるって絶対大事だと思ったのでちゃんと今回から頑張ります。 言葉は王道だけど、これにつきる。 #ClimateStrikeOnline #FridaysForFuture #ClimateCrisis #未来のための金曜日
Join us today as we take it to the streets again! Find out more about the global climate strike at fridaysforfuture.org/october22 See you there! #UprootTheSystem #FridaysForFuture twitter.com/Fridays4future…
Valet närmar sig, och även vår klimatstrejk! Vi samlas 12.30 nu på fredag 9/9 på Sergels Torg för att gå mot Mynttorget där det blir musik och tal. Ta din chans att stå upp för rättvisa och för planeten innan valet på söndag. Vi ses på fredag! #RöstFörRättvisa #FridaysForFuture
#ClimateAction week2 カーボンニュートラルの宣言だけで、 満足しないでください。 私が求めるのは具体的な政策とその実行です。 今のままではティッピングポイントをむかえてしまいます。 #TheWorldIsWatching #ClimateStrikeOnline #FridaysForFuture #ClimateCrisis #未来のための金曜日
... which means girls' futures are lost and so is their immense potential to innovate sustainable solutions. #LetAfghanGirlsLearn #EducateGirlsForClimateJustice #RiseUpMovement #FridaysForFuture #RöstFörRättvisa #PeopleNotProfit #ClimateStrike 7/7