05/07/2023 Badlands Media: 马塔认为中国人与中国共产党不同。甚至很多中共党员也是很好的人,只是他们及其家人被中共绑架、威胁了。他们被极权独裁者及荒诞的制度统治着。这就是为什么郭文贵将在帮助美国推翻中共这事上发挥如此重要的作用 #中共不代表中国人 #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
卡罗琳娜·阿梅斯蒂代表佛州政府向全世界发出明确的信息:美國佛罗里达州不允許中国共产党的存在! 很快全世界會發出同樣的信息:地球不允許中共共產黨的存在!共產黨你完了!習近平你完了! #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang twitter.com/EZ2p8/status/1…
新中国联邦让美国国会议员惊叹 2023年5月5日,国会议员乔治.桑托斯到访新中国联邦基地,这是个历史性划时代的日子! #315诬陷门 #蓝金黄滲透 #司法武器化 #FreeMilesGuo, #Takedowntheccp, #Milesguo, #FreeYvetteWang
在周六的“现在的美国”节目中,西范·弗利特(人称西姐)和迈克·冈萨雷斯就中国共产党对美国社会的影响提出警告。"共产主义在美国的渗透已经完成。从学校董事会到公司再到我们的政府,每一个层面都有。" #freeMilesGuoNow #FreeYvetteWang
#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang 05/08/2023【 @WayneDupreeShow 】 妮可:芬太尼是18至45岁青年美国人死亡的主要原因。 超过了心脏病或车祸的死亡人数,甚至超过了中共病毒的死亡人数。大量证据表明中共实际上向墨西哥毒贩提供了毒品化学原料,并协助在美国进行分销。 #释放郭文贵 #释放王雁平
美国司法黑暗揭开时,爆料革命才真正到了走向国际那一刻‼️ 美国人,司法的黑暗,如果他不感觉到痛,他怎么和我们站在一起呢‼️ 2022年8月14日视频 #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
#freemilesguo Miles Guo and his story are an inspiration! People around the world need and will hear it. #FreeYvetteWang #NFSC #takedownthecpp @dvs7_0 @ForgiatoBlow47
The free world is backed to a corner with no choice but to take down the CCP! #freemilesguo #FreeYvetteWang twitter.com/truthexcavator…
Tiktok is a weapon to weaken and destroy the American spirit! #3Fplan #freemilesguo #FreeYvetteWang #TakeDownTheCCP twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Betting on the comprised judicial branch is a risky business, but it is also the best way to catch traitors in action! God bless America! @RepJamesComer #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang twitter.com/i/web/status/1…
中共统一战线大溃败!中共间谍四,五月相继被捕,美加48小时内接连爆出中共间谍渗透自由世界的最高领袖。接下去会更精彩!识时务者为俊杰,到底要和中共老杂毛命运共同体呢?还是悔过自新,投案自首,将功补过,把这个吃人的中共给灭了,还世界一个清静呢?@NZEdenV #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang
More than two people were asking this question, how many CCP spies are there in the U.S.? Please See the answer below.👇 @sunshine02291 @RyanMattaMedia @ApolloWatching @xAlphaWarriorx @MikeCrispiNJ @ChuckCallesto @FBI @DOJgov #CCPspies #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWangtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
See how the CCP turns American businesses into “CCP-controlled” entities that serve only the interest of the CCP. #UFW @Deloitte #freemilesguo #FreeYvetteWang @PwC twitter.com/S7gril/status/…
Great episode! The CCP is a force of evil destroying and corrupting all things God creates. They exploit human sins and incite temptations to gradually erode people's morality, ethics, and spirituality. We must take down the CCP. #freemileguo #FreeYvetteWang #TakeDownTheCCPtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
This is huge! Miles Guo warned: the most pro-CCP entity in the U.S. is not the White House, but the U.S. military. We all know with insiders' help, hacking becomes easier! American patriots should look into this.#FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang #TakeDownTheCCP twitter.com/mrbcyber/statu…
This morning, I sent the following tweet, but it no longer shows under my profile. Let's experiment the 2nd time. @JoeBiden still thinking of thaw in frosty relationship with the CCP? “Silly balloon?” #TakeDownTheCCP #freemilesguo #FreeYvetteWang twitter.com/mrbcyber/statu…
I am 1 of the 600,000,000 + proud members of the New Federal State of China with the only mission to take down the CCP! Join us on June 4th this year to celebrate our 3rd anniversary for truth, love and freedom! @NFSCSpeak #NFSC #FreeMileGuo #FreeYvetteWang @jeremy_herrelltwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
The China anti-corruption czar stole the most from the Chinese people, so following the logic, the FBI, the law enforcement agency, commits most of the crime. This is what the “Community of common destiny for mankind” is by China Xi. @FinanceWolves #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWangtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
Twitter is going down, as Miles predicted. 👎👎👎 Miles is always way ahead of the mass. I did not fully understand when he said this, but now I do. #gettr #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang @RyanMattaMedia twitter.com/weizhenshe/sta…
Any leader who aims to improve their nation's relationship with Communist China is a self-interested scumbag whom the red demon will devour. 👿👿👿. Eliminating the CCP from China and freeing the Chinese people = saving the U.S. and the world. #Freemilesguo #FreeYvetteWangtwitter.com/i/web/status/1…
2023.6.4 We gather for Truth, Love, and Freedom #freemilesguo #FreeYvetteWang #NFSC Miles Rock (#freemilesguo) Music by: @ForgiatoBlow47 @JimmyLevyMusic @NickNittoli
Kwok is the alternative spelling of Guo. Paul Hastings and the Trustee, wish you good luck with getting paid for doing the dirty biddings of the CCP! Many of them did not end up well! #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvetteWang law360.com/bankruptcy/art… twitter.com/S7gril/status/…
Always enjoy watching videos from @FinanceWolves. #freemilesguo #FreeYvetteWang Help us free Miles Guo and let the CCP enemy #1 talk! #takedowntheccp youtu.be/UMibzjsXWQU