班农先生:川普总统、郭文贵先生以及他本人都因反中共而被起诉,而真正应被起诉的是中共这个跨国犯罪组织以及卖美贼们! Steve Bannon suggests that he, Donald Trump, and Miles Guo were indicted for anti-CCP #FreeMileGuo #FreeYvatteWang
This is typical behaviour of the CCP. The CCP state actors orchestrate astroturfing in order to instigate division, and manipulate public opinions among the Chinese diaspora, and undermine democracy, interfere with other countries internal affairs. #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvatteWang twitter.com/RealAndyLeeSho…
百炼才能成钢,新中国联邦人, 为我们这个民族尊严、正义、体面展现自己的形象 文贵先生早已为新中国人打造出诺亚方舟,战友们紧紧跟随做我们能做的传播就够了! #FreeMilesGuo #FreeYvatteWang 为我们的民族和全世界人民美好未来!