こんにちは。 今日は💕ピンク&白🤍の #せかほしColorful旅  #蓮の花咲く季節#フランス で出会った花たち。 美しく開く時間帯は 朝 10時頃までだそう✨ 皆さんのお近くでも 咲いていますか? 雨が心配なこの頃ですが、 少しでも穏やかな週末で ありますように・・・ #蓮 #Lotus #France
Bravo! Barbara Pravi serving chic chanteuse singer realness. #Eurovision #OpenUp #France
Reconnaissante envers les membres du @Senat français pour leur soutien unanime à la participation de #Taiwan aux organisations internationales. Nous avons hâte de travailler avec la #France & nos autres partenaires pour contribuer au bien-être des peuples du monde entier.
Grateful to the members of the French @Senat for unanimously supporting #Taiwan’s participation in international organizations. We look forward to working with #France & our other partners to contribute to the welfare of people around the world.
Vive les relations #Taiwan🇹🇼-#France🇫🇷! Our sincere thanks to @Senat for unanimous passage of the resolution urging the country's participation in international organizations like the @WHO & its World Health Assembly, @icao, @UNFCCC & @INTERPOL_HQ. ▶️bit.ly/3nWARag twitter.com/Indep_Senat/st…
A new #Uganda and #Tanzania deal for a #China-#France pipeline endangers Eastern Africa's habitats. It will affect Eastern chimpanzees, African savanna elephants, and at least 12,000 families. #NoPlanetB youtube.com/watch?v=N-795P…
#Carcassonne #France, famous fortified city # Worldheritage 中世の城塞都市として有名な #カルカソンヌ #世界遺産
#Bordeaux, #France. ボルドーワインで有名な #ボルドー
We warmly welcome the proposed resolution in #France's🇫🇷 @Senat urging #Taiwan's🇹🇼 meaningful participation in the @WHO's World Health Assembly, @icao, @UNFCCC & @INTERPOL_HQ. Sincere thanks to good friends @Joel_Guerriau, Alain Richard, Arnaud de Belenet, @max_brisson, ... 1/2 twitter.com/ipacglobal/sta…
Entretien avec le ministre des Affaires étrangères de #France @JY_LeDrian. -Nous organiserons la réunion de la Commission économique et commerciale conjointe & le Forum d’affaires. -Nos consultations sur les questions régionales comme la #Syrie et la #Libye vont continuer. 🇹🇷🇫🇷
#Taiwan🇹🇼 & #France🇫🇷 are burning the midnight oil in combating #COVID19. Deputy Minister Tseng was proud to host a #TaiwanCanHelp donation ceremony for essential items safeguarding the health of the people. Many thanks to all public-private sector partners for the collaboration!
#Fransa, #Özbekistan ve #Tayland Büyükelçileriyle ilişkilerimizi tüm boyutlarıyla ele aldık. 🇫🇷 🇺🇿 🇹🇭 Discussed all aspects of our relations with Ambassadors of #France, #Uzbekistan and #Thailand. 🇫🇷🇺🇿🇹🇭
#GYROAXIA 3月17日 1stアルバム『ONE』の発売が 楽しみです!! 「BURN IT UP」 演奏に参加してくれたミュージシャンは⬇︎ #Bass-#juken #Drum-#ryoyamagata from #France ありがとう🤝 @AAside_INFO @ARGONAVIS_info #juon #argonavis #ブシロード #バンドリ #アルゴナビス #guitar #vamps
Travelling with cranes along the Loire valley #France #relaxing
#France's ruling party is forced, by nationwide protests and riots, to suspend and rewrite controversial 'Article 24' security law which stomps on civil liberties. #StopLoiSecuriteGlobale #StopGlobalSecurityLaw #OpMacron Report: euronews.com/2020/11/30/fra…
Flying with geese #France
#France: Nationwide protests & riots in reaction to President Macron’s destruction of civil liberties & proposed legislation that would criminalize filming of law enforcement. #MarcheDesLibertes #28novembre #StopLoiSecuriteGlobale #OpMacron (📹@jewim47) twitter.com/jewim47/status…
#France: protests in #Toulouse against femicide, violence against women, & inequality. Protestors declare international solidarity with women worldwide. "We are strong, we are proud, feminists, radical and angry"(📹@LGiroldini) #25novembre #manifestation
#France: minister of Interior said journalists should "get in touch with police" before covering protests. Several were arrested in Paris for covering protests against 'Global Security Law'. (📹@Infirmier0) #StopLoiSecuriteGlobale #PPLSecuriteGlobale twitter.com/Infirmier0/sta…
#France: Protests against new 'Global Security Law' banning images of police. Filming police without blurring out faces will lead to prison and/or fines up to 45K euros ($53K). #StopLoiSecuriteGlobale (📹@AnonymeCitoyen) Report: france24.com/en/france/2020…
フランスでは10月1日から新型コロナウイルス感染症による死者数が1万人以上に増えていて、この数日間で、30秒に1人が入院して、3分に1人が重篤者になる状況。入院患者も過去最大だそうです。ロックダウンのおかげで新規感染者は減ってはいるもののまだまだ大変な状況です。🇫🇷 #France #COVID19 😷
Ibex standing on a chimney at Merlet, above the Chamonix Valley in the Haute-Savoie, #France
#France: Highschool students clashed with riot police, they used trash bins to counter riot shields and batons. They are protesting over the risks posed by schools being open while the country is in lockdown to curb #COVID19 infections. #Schulboykott