เต้นน่ารักดุ๊กดิ๊ก 🫠🫠🥰🥰 #FourthNattawat #DestinyclinicxGF #GeminiFourth #เจมีไนน์โฟร์ท
น่าร้ากกกก (รูปวันรี้ก็จะมีจอเยอะไปหมด 🤣) #Gemini_NT #FourthNattawat #DestinyclinicxGF #GeminiFourth #เจมีไนน์โฟร์ท
F: What? I'm checking P'N: What are you checking? F: I'm checking myself whether I had said something wrong or not P'N: Okay F: So that next time I can fix it P'N: Ok, very good #FourthNattawat #โฟร์ทณัฐวรรธน์
M: If N'Fourth is free, he can come too. This clip is going to be even more cuter 🫶🏻 F: Who said I'm not free? I'm sulking na, P'Mook didn't invite me #FourthNattawat twitter.com/MookWorranit/s…
IT'S ALWAYS HIM 😭😭😭 #FourthNattawat
สักวันหนึ่ง - BOYd KOSIYABONG ft. Marisa Sukosol | Cover by Fourth #MySchoolPresident #FourthNattawat
M: Ai'Suea has three siblings, they are- F: The name is Suea G: What the heck? M: You know this joke? F: I know this one #FourthNattawat #markpakin twitter.com/oishiepelhani/…
F: Aishiteru ❤️ J: @.Gemini If I were you, I'd catch a flight and follow him G: Was it cold? P: No one is cuter than Fourth #FourthNattawat #GeminiFourth #เจมีไนน์โฟร์ท