If the #US is so obsessed with the lab-leak theory, it should invite #WHO experts to conduct origins study at #FortDetrick & UNC. We should stand together against politicization of origins research & bring it back onto the right track of scientific cooperation.
The mystery of #FortDetrick. To be revealed. youtube.com/watch?v=JxDS8G…
"Lack of sufficient transparency"? The same old script again. How about the US "leading by example" and opening #FortDetrick and its more than 300 overseas #biolab to demonstrate its "transparency" first? @StateDept @USA_China_Talk
#China submitted to #WHO 2 non-papers titled “Doubtful Points about Fort Detrick (USAMRIID)”& "Coronavirus Research Conducted by Dr. Ralph Baric’s Team at University of North Carolina",and an open letter signed by 25mln+ netizens calling for an investigation into #FortDetrick.
A thorough investigation into #FortDetrick will clear the doubts. globaltimes.cn/page/202108/12…
It is actually the #US that is not being transparent, responsible&cooperative on this issue. The US has been refusing to respond to the international community’s reasonable doubts on the #FortDetrick biolab & the 200+ overseas bases for biological experiments.