We all have the right to be heard & have our votes count. Next week, the Senate can help make that happen by passing the #ForThePeopleAct. #CallOutYourSenators today & tell them to VOTE YES on the #ForThePeopleAct! go2vote.org
We all have the right to be heard & have our votes count. Next week, the Senate can help make that happen by passing the #ForThePeopleAct. #CallOutYourSenators today & tell them to VOTE YES on the #ForThePeopleAct! go2vote.org
Right now, 400+ bills that suppress voters' rights are on the table. The #ForThePeopleAct (H.R.1/S.1) will protect & empower voters so every voice is heard, but for it to pass we need YOUR voice NOW: Tell your Senators to support the #ForThePeopleAct! actforthepeople.com
Right now, 400+ bills that suppress voters' rights are on the table. The #ForThePeopleAct (H.R.1/S.1) will protect & empower voters so every voice is heard, but for it to pass we need YOUR voice NOW: Tell your Senators to support the #ForThePeopleAct! actforthepeople.com