Spotted on Times Square in NYC today! 👀 @MercyForAnimals #ForNature
"The climate- ecological- and health crisis are all interlinked. But we no longer see the links between them. I would like to connect the dots. Because let's face it - if we don't change, we are f*cked." #ForNature @MercyForAnimals @tommustill
”Our relationship with nature is broken. But relationships can change. When we protect nature - we are nature protecting itself.” Thank you @MercyForAnimals for sponsoring this film by @tommustill and me. #ForNature #BiodiversityDay
5月22日は #国際生物多様性の日 世界の人々に生物多様性の危機と、その保全の大切さを考えてもらう日です。2021年のテーマはWe’re part of the solution #ForNature 私たちが自然や生き物のために、また、持続可能な社会を実現するためにできることを考えてみませんか? #東京都立動物園・水族園