[Mubeat X Ilgan Sports First half Wrap Up Tournament] The winner of the #FirstHalfTourney is #LOONA🌙 🥇A detailed schedule for Gangnam Stn. Outdoor Ad & #IlganSports article & #Mubeat In-App Ad & Special reward for the winner to be announced soon👀 @loonatheworld @ilgansports
[Mubeat X Ilgan Sports First half Wrap Up Tournament] Outdoor ad📷 for #LOONA🌙, the winner of #FirstHalfTourney! A special reward was also delivered hoping Orbit’s support would be even more memorable🏆 Please check out the Mubeat App for the In-App benefits💜 @loonatheworld
[뮤빗 X 일간스포츠 상반기 결산 아이돌 대전] #상반기결산아이돌대전 우승자 #이달의소녀🌙 옥외광고 영상을 소개합니다! Revealing the outdoor ad video for the winner of #FirstHalfTourney, #LOONA🌙 🗓 9/12~18 📍강남역 규정빌딩 (Gangnam Stn, Gyujeong Bldg.) @loonatheworld @ilgansports