Goddess Tiki fanart wip (ෆˊ͈ ु꒳ ूˋ͈ෆ) #Tiki #FireEmblem #ファイアーエムブレム #チキ #FEH #FEHeroes #jrpg
#FireEmblem #FEHeroes リン&フロリーナ
#FireEmblem キヌ ガルグ=マク留学中
#FireEmblem カムイ&ジョーカー ガルグ=マク留学中
#FireEmblem アルム&エフィ ガルグ=マク留学中
Dimitri: Savior King from the #FireEmblem: Three Houses game appears in #FEHeroes as a Legendary Hero starting Oct. 30, 12 AM PT! You're also able to summon previously released 5★ New Heroes, Legendary Heroes, and Mythic Heroes!
#FireEmblem セリカ ガルグ=マク留学中
#FireEmblem ルキナ ガルグ=マク留学中
#FireEmblem マーク ガルグ=マク留学中
¡El juego con el que empezó todo llega por fin a Europa! #FireEmblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light aterriza en #NintendoSwitch el 4 de diciembre localizado al inglés.
The game that started it all, localised in English for the first time! #FireEmblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light comes to #NintendoSwitch on 04/12!
The game that started it all, localised in English for the first time! #FireEmblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light comes to #NintendoSwitch on 04/12!
#FireEmblem #FEHeroes せっかく転生したのでスクールライフを満喫するネメシス
#FireEmblem ジェラルト&ベレス親子
Starting Oct. 19, 12 AM PT, new Heroes from the #FireEmblem: Three Houses game will be available in the New Heroes: Goddess's Servants summoning event! The next Grand Hero Battle featuring Nemesis: King of Liberation will start Oct. 20, 12 AM PT. #FEHeroes