Two weeks left to get your #HAW T-shirt here: smarturl.it/TALFHAW Don’t miss it 💙💙 #HeadAboveWater #FightLyme #LymeWarrior
Congratulations to my friends at @LymeAlliance on the huge success of their NYC Gala!! Visit TheAvrilLavigneFoundation.org to get your #HeadAboveWater t-shirt before they’re all gone, and join me, The Avril Lavigne Foundation and Global Lyme Alliance as we continue to #FightLyme.
I'm honored to join @LymeAlliance Board of Directors. We’ve also created a partnership between @AvrilFoundation & GLA, to work together on prevention, treatment & research. Get your #HeadAboveWater t-shirt at smarturl.it/AvrilLavigneSt… in support of our mission. #FightLyme
May is #LymeAwarenessMonth & we need your help! Watch the video, share on your socials & join @AvrilFoundation @LymeAlliance as we #FightLyme! Follow the directions at TheAvrilLavigneFoundation.org/NEWS & join our campaign bc I can’t wait to see you guys in action as #LymeWarriors! twitter.com/AvrilFoundatio…
Please go to CharityStars.com/AvrilTour & bid to help @AvrilFoundation #FightLyme. To thank you for your support, you'll be automatically entered for a chance to win a pair of my personal VIP seats. I hope you’re one of the lucky winners! Can’t wait to see you on the road. Xo Avril
Thanks to all who bid or bought a t-shirt in the #BestDamnAuction! All proceeds help @AvrilFoundation & @GlobalLymeAlliance raise awareness & fund treatment for those in need & we’re so grateful. Go to CharityStars.com/AvrilTour and get your t-shirt or tank top & help us #FightLyme
So honored to be named to the inspiring coalition of @SpecialOlympics Global Ambassadors. I’m proud to be part of the #InclusionRevolution. Visit TheAvrilLavigneFoundation.org/SpecialOlympics to learn more. #SpecialOlympics #FightLyme #ChooseToInclude #HealthyAthletes #UnifiedGeneration #LymeIsReal twitter.com/SpecialOlympic…
Please go to CharityStars.com/AvrilVIP & bid to help @AvrilFoundation #FightLyme. To thank you for your support, winners of each auction are entered for a chance to meet me at the show! Can’t wait to see you on the road!
which is why I’ve put so much of my time, energy and effort into educating and helping others though @AvrilFoundation to keep their #HeadAboveWater. As you know, Lyme is a global pandemic but not a global priority..let’s change that together!!! #LymeDisease #FightLyme
💙アヴリルからお知らせ💙 アヴリルが複数の特別ゲストを招き、10月24日にオンラインコンサート #FightLyme を開催⭐ コンサートの概要とアヴリルのインスタに投稿されたメッセージは画像を見てね💎✨ チケットは、AVRILLAVIGNE.COM で購入可能です。
Can’t wait to see my friend @ThisIsRobThomas perform at #FightLyme With Avril & Friends…hope you will join us! Get tickets at AvrilLavigne.com twitter.com/AvrilFoundatio…
HURRY! Get your #FightLyme merch before it disappears Monday! I’m hand-signing the numbered, limited-edition lithos & love every item in this very special line!! 100% net proceeds to @AvrilFoundation to benefit the Lyme community. Buy now at: TheAvrilLavigneFoundation.org/merch