Today, Some were arrested and some were violently suppressed in Myanmar. Why are we, the peaceful protesting Burmese people, being harmed with weapons and injustice! We will never forgive!!!Reject the military coup. HEAR OUR VOICE #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb9Coup
独裁軍事政権を倒せ!9日目! ミャンマーバゴー市にて、警察や軍はデモしている国民たちに酷く暴力をしています。ミャンマー人は戦っています。どうかミャンマーを助けてください! HEAR OUR VOICE #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb9Coup
Police and army dispersed the protesters within 15 min by using water cannon trucks in NayPyiTaw (Thapyay gone) where protest against military dictatorship is actively happening. More than 10 people are injured by water gun. #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb9Coup
2月9日ミャンマーの首都ネーピートで武装した警察が銃で撃ち始め、デモした国民はラインを超えてないのに、警察が銃で撃った! 銃は30発、6人が大怪我をし、大学生の女性一人は脳に撃たれて脳死!発射された銃は9x19mm-9mmの弾薬を備えたBA-93 SMG銃。無許可の銃 #WhatsHappeningInMyanmar #Feb9Coup