The 5th Anniversary Pickup Summon (Daily) is here for a limited time only! Altria Caster makes her grand entrance to celebrate! "Her magecraft is like a refreshing breeze. The novice mage travelling across Britain makes a gallant entry for the fifth anniversary!" #FateGOUSA
[From Chaldea PR Dep't] Due to server traffic, login was not possible for some users from 02:00 - 02:40 PDT. We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. Please see this article for compensation details. fate-go.us/news/?category… #FateGOUSA
The twelfth batch of Servant Rank Up Quests is here to celebrate the 5th anniversary! New Rank Up Quests for 14 Servants will be permanently added! #FateGOUSA View the full release schedule at fate-go.us/news/?category…
To celebrate Fate/Grand Order (English)'s 5th anniversary, we're bringing the 5th Anniversary Pickup Summon (Daily)! Limited Time Servant ★5 (SSR) Altria Caster will make her debut! #FateGOUSA For more information, visit fate-go.us/news/?category…
The 5th Anniversary Guaranteed Summon (Debut Year) is here! Masters can choose one of five Guaranteed Summons to perform! One Limited Time ★5 (SSR) Servant and one ★4 (SR) or higher Servant are guaranteed in this 11x Summon! #FateGOUSA Info ➡️ fate-go.us/news/?category…
[Servant Summer Camp! Pre-release CP] Get ready for summer! If the combined amount of Facebook Reactions/Shares + Twitter Likes/Retweets reaches 25,000 before July 12th, all Masters will receive 6 Saint Quartz! #FateGOUSA
To celebrate the Anime Expo 2022 Fate/Grand Order 5th Anniversary Celebration panel, all Masters will receive 60 Saint Quartz upon your first log in during the campaign! Campaign period: 2022-07-04 - 07-10 #FateGOUSA #FateGOU5A
Are you ready to celebrate Fate/Grand Order (English)'s 5th Anniversary?! #FateGOU5A Tune in to AX Lite at 3PM for the 5th Anniversary Celebration and if you're at AX, Entertainment Hall #E-14 will host Second Section Director KANOU YOSHIKI at 1PM! #FateGOUSA
Look, look! It's "Even More Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order"! #FateGOUSA You can read "Even More Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order" Episode 77 online at fate-go.us/manga_fgo3 !
Chaldea Breakroom Vol. 6 heads to a cyber paradise with an exclusive look at BB and an interview with Second Section Director of FGO, KANOU YOSHIKI! #ChaldeaBreakroom, an exclusive look at Servants and interviews with the staff behind Fate/Grand Order! #FateGOUSA
Happy 5th Anniversary #FateGOUSA !!!! I'm happy to have drawn the the illustration! 🎉🎂🎈 5 years is huge!!!
[5th Anniversary Social Media Campaign] The #FateGOU5A celebration continues! If the combined amount of Facebook Reactions/Shares + Twitter Likes/Retweets reaches 40,000, Masters will receive 12 Saint Quartz! #FateGOUSA twitter.com/FateGO_USA/sta…
【ニュース】北米版FGOが5周年!今年のアニバーサリーイラストとホームページが公開されました fatego-matome.com/news/43894/ #FGO #FateGOUSA
It's time to start the celebration for Fate/Grand Order (English)'s 5th anniversary! #FateGOUSA To kick things off, we'll be distributing the App Release Anniversary Limited Login Bonus of 30 Saint Quartz upon your first login between 6/24 9PM and 6/25 8:59PM! #FateGOU5A
Just the hand... It's "Even More Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order"! #FateGOUSA You can read "Even More Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order" Episode 76 online at fate-go.us/manga_fgo3 !
Do you know what tomorrow is? It's Fate/Grand Order (English)'s 5th anniversary! We're excited to reveal this year's anniversary illustration by Namie (@namgoreng) and our anniversary homepage! #FateGOUSA #FateGOU5A ➡️ fate-go.us/5th_anniversary
With the fifth anniversary of the English version of "Fate/Grand Order" just around the corner, we're holding the 'Fate/Grand Order - 5th Anniversary' Countdown Campaign! #FateGOUSA #FateGOU5A Don't miss out on the celebration! For more information, visit fate-go.us/news/?category…
The "Main Interlude 'Abyssal Cyber Paradise, SE․RA․PH' Release Celebration Campaign" is here! ★4 (SR) BB can be officially added to your roster by clearing the Main Quest "Final Act" so don't miss out! #FateGOUSA
The Japanese version of #ChaldeaBreakroom Vol. 5 is here! 夏に向けて、今回は葛飾北斎(セイバー)をフィーチャーし、LASENGLEスタッフより解説コメントが到着! さらにキャラクターデザインを務める、こやまひろかず(TYPE-MOON)より宮本武蔵(バーサーカー)に関するインタビューを掲載! #FateGOUSA
Fate/Grand Order returns to @AnimeExpo to celebrate its 5th Anniversary! Join the celebration at Petree Hall on 7/3 at 3:00 PM hosted by English Localization Producer Albert Kao and special guest the Second Section Director KANOU YOSHIKI! #FateGOUSA ➡️ aniplexusa.com/ax2022/
[From Chaldea PR Dep't] [TIPS] The dialogue box displayed during cutscenes can be hidden by swiping downwards on the screen. Swipe upwards or tap the screen to display the dialogue box again. #FateGOUSA
How dare you Altera! It's "Even More Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order"! #FateGOUSA You can read "Even More Learning with Manga! Fate/Grand Order" Episode 73 online at fate-go.us/manga_fgo3 !
Vol. 5 of #ChaldeaBreakroom is ready for summer! Vol. 5 features Katsushika Hokusai (Saber) with commentary from LASENGLE 3D artist Makoto Anjo and an interview with TYPE-MOON Illustrator Koyama Hirokazu! #FateGOUSA
It's been 1800 days since the Grand Order was issused! Please accept this gift with our deepest gratitude to celebrate reaching 1800 days! Don't forget to log in on the 1800 Days Annviersary to claim your presents! For more information, visit fate-go.us/news/?category… #FateGOUSA
Today is Revival: [Sunday Only] Merlin Pickup Summon day! Limited Time Servant ★5 (SSR) Merlin returns for today! "History's most famous kingmaker. The Mage of Flowers, your big brother from Avalon, is finally here!" For more info, visit fate-go.us/news/?category… #FateGOUSA