Sales projections now have @pledis_17's #FaceTheSun in the higher range of early predictions with a total of 43k copies to be earned this week Currently projected to have 41k in physical sales + 2k with streaming and digital. Streaming will be key to making this number rise! twitter.com/Jeff__Benjamin…
Seventeen will be holding a global press conference at 11am (KST) on the day of Face The Sun album release, May 27, and a comeback show at 7pm (KST) on the 28th. #세븐틴 #FaceTheSun
[Thread] 220515 Seventeen Japan Fanmeeting 'Hanabi' pics Wonwoo @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #FaceTheSun
220527 Seventeen Face the Sun Mel0n pics @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #FaceTheSun
SEVENTEEN has now reached a total of 2.2 BILLION Streams on Spotify! 🥳 They gained another 100M streams following #SVT_HOT and #FaceTheSun’s release in just 25 days! 🔥 Listen to their newest album: open.spotify.com/album/4lfFgz2r… @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN
[CHARTS] SEVENTEEN on Billboard World Albums chart #1 Boys Be #1 TEEN,AGE #1 Your Choice #1 Attacca #1 #FaceTheSun (+3) *NEW PEAK 🔥 @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #SVT_HOT
220512 Preview Seventeen X MMTG next week! @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #FaceTheSun
The "pioneer" version of @pledis_17's official images for its upcoming 4th LP, "Face the Sun," is out now! This is S. Coups, Jeonghan and Joshua's images in black and white. 🖤🤍 #SEVENTEEN #FaceTheSun
#SEVENTEEN's #_WORLD from their 4th LP #FaceTheSun lands at #5 on the #BillboardHotTrendingSongschart, the group’s 4th chart entry, which have ALL reached the top 5! Only BTS has more top 5 hits (6).💪🌎💥5️⃣✖️4️⃣🎶❤️‍🔥👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑💜 🎥:youtube.com/watch?v=VCDWg0…
220508 pledis_boos IG update @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #FaceTheSun
Seventeen for CosmopolitanKorea June issue👀 @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #FaceTheSun
220527 SEVENTEEN 4th Album 'Face the Sun' Presscon @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #SEVENTEEN #FaceTheSun
“DON QUIXOTE” and “March” ties To You and Crush as #SEVENTEEN’s fastest non-singles to surpass 1 MILLION streams on Spotify (3 days) 🔥🔥🔥 @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #FaceTheSun
[INFO] SEVENTEEN's 4th full album, FACE THE SUN, bagged 3 awards at the Asian Pop Music Awards 2022 Overseas Category (China). 🏆 Best Group (FTS) 🏆 People's Choice Award (FTS) 🏆 Top 20 Albums of the Year (FTS) CONGRATULATIONS SVT!🎉 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #FaceTheSun #APMA2022
[CHARTS] SEVENTEEN’s 4th full album #FaceTheSun rose 36 spots to a new peak of #1 in this week’s Billboard Japan Hot Albums Chart! 🔥 billboard-japan.com/charts/detail?… @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #SVT_HOT
#SEVENTEEN has just reached a new career peak of 4,519,370 Monthly Listeners on Spotify ahead of their full album comeback on May 27 with #FaceTheSun @pledis_17 #세븐틴 #Darling
Seventeen are back reborn by fire as they face the sun with their brand new album. Check our hot review of it! #FaceTheSun #SVT_HOT @pledis_17 genius.com/discussions/45…
#SVT_HOT was the 6th highest debut of this weekend worldwide, while DON QUIXOTE was the 10th highest. @pledis_17 #FaceTheSun #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴
Why do we need to stream “Darl+ing” as soon as 9AM KST later? Because that is when Spotify will start to track streams for May 27 and if we want a bigger album debut, we have to take advantage of the pre-release that we already have. PREPARE WELL AND LET’S #FaceTheSun TOGETHER
#FaceTheSun DAY1 on Spotify Darl+ing — 555,973 HOT — 876,694 DON QUIXOTE — 582,708 March — 468,392 Domino — 403,164 Shadow — 431,483 ‘bout you — 369,759 IF you leave me — 362,872 Ash — 327,845 ALBUM — 4,378,890
[CHARTS] SEVENTEEN (@pledis_17) “HOT” May 27 14:00 KST DEBUT #1 — Bugs #33 — MelOn #26 — Genie #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 #FaceTheSun #SVT_HOT #SVT
#FaceTheSun debuts with 751,448 streams in Spotify Philippines. The best performing country for the album. @pledis_17 #SEVENTEEN #세븐틴 open.spotify.com/album/4lfFgz2r…
#SEVENTEEN の新アルバム、早くも182万枚でダブルミリオン目前!今最も“HOT”なK-POPグループ #FaceTheSun #CARAT sportsseoulweb.jp/star_topic/id=…