💥惊: #PAG 居然是 #PaulWeiss 的客户‼️ 对郭文贵先生不实控告并非法拘禁的纽约南区检察官达米安·威廉姆斯,曾在Paul Weiss律所工作三年。 这家律所早在1981年就进入中共市场。 目前这家律所中国客户有谁? #PAG #鼎晖投资 🤣👇 paulweiss.com/professionals/… 这可是你们自己披露的 #FREEMILESGUO
Revenge: Miles Guo Arrested After Visits to Congress by NFSC Supporters Calling for Investigation into DOJ’s Infiltration by CCP! Take down evil CCP & traitors to America! #FREEMILESGUO!
Revenge: Miles Guo Arrested After Visits to Congress by NFSC Supporters Calling for Investigation into DOJ’s Infiltration by CCP! Take down evil CCP & traitors to America! #FREEMILESGUO twitter.com/ChuckCallesto/…