The official Fate/Grand Order U.S.A. Tour 2019 website page has been updated with a list of official merchandise that will be available for purchase at @animecentral ! #FGOUSAT #FateGOUSA #ACen2019 Check out the full updated list: fate-go.us/tour2019/
We love seeing the FGO USA Tour cosplays! #FGOUSAT #AX2019
Something seems different about the Ana standee at the #FGOUSAT booth...
Satoshi Tsuruoka and Noriko Shitaya took the stage together for the first time at the Fate/Grand Order U.S.A. Tour 2019 in Los Angeles! We hope attendees enjoyed the panel! #FGOUSAT #FateGOUSA
The Voice Actor’s Panel at the FGO USA Tour mini stage is about to start soon in the Entertainment Hall! Don’t be late!!!! #FGOUSAT #AX2019
The Fate/Grand Order Localization Panel heads to @animecentral 2019! Join Localization Producer Albert Kao on Saturday, May 18th at 2PM CDT as he gives the latest news and updates for Fate/Grand Order! #FGOUSAT #FateGOUSA #ACen2019
We’ve made it to the last day of #AX2019! The Entertainment Hall closes at 4PM today! #FGOUSAT
Be sure to come by the #FGOUSAT booth and show us you have the game installed to get the AWA tour stop sticker!
The Stamp Rally stamps are too cute... Be sure to complete it for the exclusive FGO U.S.A. Tour Special Stickers! #FGOUSAT #FateGOUSA